Saving another XS2


xsive compulsive disorder
Reaction score
Northern Indiana
Here we go again. I don’t need another project right now as I still have two others I haven’t finished yet. But as we all do, I constantly monitor Craigslist and Marketplace for good deals when I came across this xs2. It was only about 40 minutes from my house so I reached out to go have a look. There was only one picture and little description other than it’s been sitting for 10 years.

The guy told me it is his father’s bike and the son was in town to help clean out his packrat garage. When I got there, I met his 74yr old father and he told me a little back story. He is not a mechanical guy, but he parked the bike many years ago when his wife got ill. The bike was exactly how he bought it, with extended fork tubes and high bars. The tank was already painted when he got it too. The son told me he probably smashed up the turn signals and headlight when he was riding it in the yard 10 years ago. With those forks I’m not surprised.

The bike was wedged in the corner against the shelves. It was tough to roll it out as the front wheel was locked up. The motor turned over with the kicker, but I didn’t press it to do a compression test. It was pretty crusty! I looked it over pretty well and the only thing missing was the left side cover. And it has a clean title! I tried to throw a lower offer, but he was firm on his price. We struck a deal and they signed the title over and we agreed I’d come back on a few days with a trailer. My truck is lifted a little, so with the locked front wheel on the bike it would have been very hard to load. The only thing left was to break the news to my wife !!!!
Today my son and I borrowed my neighbors trailer and went to pick up the bike. It is hot as balls out today so we had our work cut out. Fortunately when we got there they had all the vehicles moved and a big path cleared to get to the bike. We aired up the tires but that front was still locked. The three of us man-handled it onto the trailer and got it up on the center stand to strap it down. With those long forks the side stand is pretty much useless. We got it home and I proceeded to get to cleaning it up a little to see what I had.


I used some car wash soap and a bottle of 50/50 simple green to cut the crud. I mostly washed it off but I did scrub the rims and a little chrome with a white scotch brite pad to knock the rust off. Overall I’m pretty happy. A solid foundation.

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A nice little cherry on top was they gave me a few other items they were going to throw away. The father is one that when something stops working, he simply replaces it. So I also got two McCullough chainsaws, a McCullough brush cutter and a craftsman air compressor. He said the compressor kept blowing fuses in his garage. I’ll stash these in the shed until I have time to look at them. Maybe I can sell them to recoup my purchase price ?
Gonna restore it I assume?
I can’t afford a restoration on this. Maybe just a resurrection? A few notes from the time spent cleaning today. The rims cleaned up nicely. Not perfect, but nice. Still has original K70 gold seal tires. Tank exterior is nice shape. Inside is a bit rusty and heavy varnish. I suspect at least 10yr old gas. Carbs are free and have nice feel. Wiring is pretty complete. Battery box a little rusty. Most chrome is rough but may clean up a little better. Seat is roached out too.

I’ve got lots of spare parts. Some might work on this earlier bike, like handlebars, brakes and maybe even headers. First thing I’ll do is get those fork tubes replaced and get it presentable. Like my others, this will be a slow burn.
Congratulations ..Not knowing the price .. But
These are the ones to look for --- Leading zero on the Odometer
I can se this start and run .Without much work ....And over time getting better and better.
Does not matter if it is not shining and perfect now.
Cant se any dents .Some rust removal and Silver paint .. and it is in progress
It is surprising what a good clean will do. Looks so much better after the clean.
For rusty chrome cleanup 0000 steel wool and oven cleaner is my go to.
The cost of getting chrome replated puts me off buying and restoring many bikes I see come up for sale. Chroming can be done at home (Caswell kits) but I am not sure I want to go down that path.
If the headers are too far gone 70-73 are the only years that are a direct replacement. had them on sale. I bought some and they are nice. Singe wall. Bike looks like a nice survivor. Interesting another 650 missing a left cover. If/when you find one they are 2 to 3 times the price of a right.
The original paint on the tank may be hiding under the red if it was rattle canned.
I told the sellers if they come across the other side cover in their clean out that I’d gladly give them another $50 for it. Fingers crossed.

A few other items I already have in storage:
Cb750 handlebars with internal wiring for 75b
Front master,caliper, and rotor.
Gauge bezels
Ignition switch.
Stainless spokes, but not sure they are needed here.
Nice brake light and housing.

A few parts I need:
Left side cover
Front turn signals
Fork tubes
Heck ya! I may be hitting up Bill Bowling too. I suspect he may have some parts leftover that are not up to his restoration quality that might fit my bill.

See Bob, MISSION CREEP! Gets me every time. I can already tell I’ll be poking around on this one before I get back to my other projects. I think I’m broken.
A few parts I need:
Left side cover
Front turn signals
Fork tubes
Left side cover you buy what you can find. The chrome trim and emblem can be bought aftermarket.
Headlight I use a replacement I get from Amazon that uses a H4 bulb. You loose the side to side adjustment but I don't ride at night.
The turn signals you can get aftermarket and they are nice. The brackets for mounting them on the top tree have to be sourced on E-Bay or such. They can be mounted to the headlight bucket.
Fork tubes E-Bay or aftermarket.
Seat has aftermarket or new foam and cover.
Cables Mikes has gray ones.
Shocks E-Bay for OEM. Aftermarket can be used but getting ones that will clear chain guard can be a problem. @Mailman got some for his XS2, I don't recall the brand right now.
Can not see much wrong with the headlight
If not damaged outside the reflector can be good
Then it is the glass and getting it to stay there.
Being an safety regulated item it would be strange if not at glass is available somewhere.
Close enough
Glue and some clips of some sort Perhaps For the time being

The shocks I would get the rust off and then paint them with suitable silver paint
Not perfect but keeping it stock and It wont hurt the eye since there is patina elsewhere on the bike

Myself prefer a Worn stock part rather than a brand New Taiwan or so