Near 50 Yrs of Experience
so, I’m on my cell phone here and not much good at pecking away at it, but I’ve made the decision to sell my 1975 Yamaha XS650 Standard. It’s buried in the back of my garage and not easily accessible, but suffice it to say that it’s in good shape both cosmetically and mechanically. Not perfect, but has been maintained in rideable condition all along. That said, it’s also just sat for the past year, so it may need a thing or two to get it back on the road. But, it’s a clean 1975, pretty much all original other than it was repainted in original colors and decals about 10 years ago. But has the nice aluminum rims, stock exhaust, good seat, and everything works. The electric starter is typical and questionable, and never got the upgrade/fix but also never got used. Bottom line is that in todays world it probably a pretty rare find given its condition and at my asking price of $2K. I’m in Pasadena, Maryland, and I plan to do some garage cleaning in the next week or two. I also posted my ‘01 Harley Fatboy for sale, and it’s partially blocking the XS. But Pics will be added ASAP, or sooner if someone actually come to look at it. To contact me you can call/txt me at 410 nine two five -7213, or direct email is Wharfcreek at Outlook dot com.