For Sale - selling my beloved ‘75


Near 50 Yrs of Experience
Reaction score
Pasadena, MD 21122
so, I’m on my cell phone here and not much good at pecking away at it, but I’ve made the decision to sell my 1975 Yamaha XS650 Standard. It’s buried in the back of my garage and not easily accessible, but suffice it to say that it’s in good shape both cosmetically and mechanically. Not perfect, but has been maintained in rideable condition all along. That said, it’s also just sat for the past year, so it may need a thing or two to get it back on the road. But, it’s a clean 1975, pretty much all original other than it was repainted in original colors and decals about 10 years ago. But has the nice aluminum rims, stock exhaust, good seat, and everything works. The electric starter is typical and questionable, and never got the upgrade/fix but also never got used. Bottom line is that in todays world it probably a pretty rare find given its condition and at my asking price of $2K. I’m in Pasadena, Maryland, and I plan to do some garage cleaning in the next week or two. I also posted my ‘01 Harley Fatboy for sale, and it’s partially blocking the XS. But Pics will be added ASAP, or sooner if someone actually come to look at it. To contact me you can call/txt me at 410 nine two five -7213, or direct email is Wharfcreek at Outlook dot com.
A llot of sentimentality attached to this bike. It was my first XS many moons ago, as well as owned an ridden by my oldest son for about 10 years as well. He returned it to me a couple years ago because he relocated from Detroit, Mi to Naples, Fl, and can’t have a motorcycle in his new home.
I’m showing the bike to a local interested party tomorrow, so I’ll get some pics up tomorrow as well. Hopefully they’ll be goodbye pics, but even if so, the bike deserves a little ‘public recognition’ one way or the other. If it does go I’ll shed a tear, but trust it will be going to a good new home. And, that sale will finance my ‘Cafe’ build on a ‘79 I have thats in pieces. Plus that poor ‘79 had the frame’s rear end ‘chopped’ to make some kind of ‘bobber’ project out of it. I hate it when people do that, but to each their own I guess. Anyway, pics forthcoming!
well, looks like the bike is going to a new home. I hate to see it go, but many a fond memory will remain!


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A couple more pics


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I'll miss her, but she needed some attention that she wasn't getting from me! I'm deep into MANY other things right now, but I do have enough 'stuff' here to actually build myself yet another XS. Sadly, the title/frame combo that I have has been 'chopped' by someone at some point. Thankfully not a 'hardtail' conversion; still has the swing arm and rear shocks. But, the whole upper rear section of the frame is gone, and the shock mounts are now welded to the frame supports amid-the main down tube. So, the shocks are leaning forward at about a 45 degree angle. There's only a small plate not much bigger than a bicycle seat, welded to the top of the main frame down tube. I think this is what would be considered a 'bobber' conversion......not exactly the 'cafe' style I would like. But, maybe some welding and fab work and I might be able to make it work. Who knows......... Anyway..... another one bites the dust!! Tom
Hi Everyone,

I purchased the XS650 from Tom. I was originally looking for a bike to convert into a café racer. After seeing how complete the bike is, I’m more inclined at this time to keep the bike original. Tom was gracious enough to include a spare motor (condition unknown). If the motor is rebuildable, I will modify the spare motor and keep the original stock. I plan to upload pictures of the build to the website I just created ( The website will be live in a couple of weeks and I welcome visitors to the site.

I'm wishing Steve all the best! I trust he'll give the bike the attention it deserves, and he's indicated he plans to just leave it 'stock'...... A plan I hope he sticks to, but it's his bike now, so what he does with it is his prerogative. I kinda feel like I'm amid some 'purge' movie, as yesterday I sold my Buell, today the XS650 left, tomorrow my CL350 is scheduled to go, and if my luck holds out, some time in the next few days my Harley Fatboy will be finding a new home. While this might seem like a huge departure of 2-wheeled vehicles (and it is), I'm still fortunate enough to have my 2008 Triumph Scrambler still in the garage, my 2012 Harley Street Glide, and a couple more XS650s hanging around as well. I used to keep at least 3 bikes here that were licensed and insured at all times, so my 2 sons and I could go riding when ever they came to town. But, with both of them now married and each having 2 kids of their own, I can barely remember the last time either of them visited dear-old-dad (shame on them!!!). Last week I realized I had 6 bikes registered, insured, and road-worthy, and I decided the time had come to cut that number in half. So, 2 down, 1 more to go, plus the CL350 which was a 'project' bike. I'm now going to be able to finish up all the mods I wanted to do to my Street Glide, as well as complete my own XS project, and I'm looking forward to watching as Steve gets the '75 up and running again. I hope he has a great time with the bike........ hasta La Vista, baby!!! Tom D.