“no one makes futuristic predictions quite like Ray Kurzweil.
An American computer scientist-turned-futurist, Kurzweil
has long believed that humanity is headed toward what’s known as “
the singularity,” when man and machine merge. In 1999, Kurzweil theorized that
artificial general intelligence would be achieved once humanity could achieve a technology capable of a trillion calculations per second, which he pegged to occur 2029. Experts at the time scoffed at the idea, figuring it’d be at least a century or more, but with Kurzweil’s timeline only a few years off”
( Summit, the US’s latest and largest
supercomputer, which is a beast no matter which way you cut it. It’s also the first supercomputer that’s been specifically optimised for
Artificial Intelligence……the supercomputer, which fills a server room the size of two tennis courts, can spit out answers to a staggering 200 Quadrillion, that’s 200 with 15 zeros, after it, calculations per second. )
“We’re going to be a combination of our natural intelligence and our cybernetic intelligence,” Kurzweil said in an interview with
The Guardian, “and it’s all going to be rolled into one. We are going to expand intelligence a millionfold by 2045, and it is going to deepen our awareness and consciousness.”
“While this idea subscribes to a merger more akin to physical intervention to bridge the gap between man and machine, other philosophers and AI experts agree that some form of merger is
likely inevitable, and in some ways, is already beginning. In July, Oxford’s Marcus du Sautoy and Nick Bostrom both
expounded on the hopeful and harrowing possibilities of our AI future, and for both of them, a kind of synthesis appeared inevitable.”
“I think that we are headed toward a hybrid future,”