Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence?

Recalling "Mike" the sentient computer protagonist in Moon is Harsh Mistress.
Realizing that seeing and believing are now unlinked from reality, so far as indirect senses go...and I have read that already about 1/2 of "scientific" the silence is an oxymoron... do the science works better....already maybe 1/2 are somewheres between cribbed and faked...
Revisit basic maths, chemistry, and about manipulating crowds...know real history (not so easy!)...then "AI" becomes revealed as mere propaganda machine...pretty much emotional too...
Let us revisit Miss Weaver in Galaxy Quest... are those AI generated?
....already maybe 1/2 are somewheres between cribbed and faked...

Heard a university lecturer on Radio Four a few months back talking about marking work submitted by his students. Apparently, getting harder and harder as more and more of what he receives appears to be machine generated . . .
Just now, I thought what would AI know about something subjective. I asked who makes the best hamburger?
It not only gave me multiple choices…. THEY ARE ALL NEAR MY HOUSE! Further down on the page are map locations too. 😲
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This is an example of a good time to recognize AI. Because such a question is subjective, the answer is meaningless. It’s going by reviews, which I also think are meaningless. However, it does give a better answer than I would. The only Johnny Rockets experience I can recall was in Kuwait. Based upon that, ….
What, me worry? :er:

I just had time to watch this, and all I can say is ….mind blown!
Episode 1 Mind Blown GIF by The Office
With due respect, that is exactly the kind of fairly easy tricks to impress people that I intended here -

The robot is programmed to activate servos to rolls its eyes and frown while it 'listens' and 'thinks'.

In the TV mini series Humans, Gemma Chan was playing a humanoid robot and in an interesting interview, she listed some of the techniques she used to play a machine. Which included moving her eyes towards a subject fractionally before moving her head. The just-noticeable pause gave a machine-like impression.

Or maybe I'm wrong and the robot in the clip really is listening and thinking . . . yes, that's it.
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I follow this amazing woman who with her husband take amazing astrophotography then she paints and recreats the scene on canvas.

Recently she has been discussing the affect AI has on her work and when asking Art students about their future. AI makes us question, not just what we see, but life choices at a personable level and how it will also affect social and economic choices on who we can b or would like to become

I'm watching a documentary on FreeVee (Firestick) with the closed captioning on. The narrator has a right proper English accent and the closed captioning has to be AI generated. It's insane. It's hilarious. It's an abortion.
If this is a sampling of what's to come, it's not an improvement. I can't imagine what would be going through a bonafide hearing impaired persons mind with this Charlie Foxtrot.
The show, for any who want to witness.......
Forbidden Knowledge : Prophecies, Portals and Time Machines.
Yeah. Alright, it's Sunday, I'm just chillaxing.....
I've given Mike McClennan's video 'love', to signify it's an interesting and thought provoking little film. I could equally have given 'wow' or 'angry'. Mixed feelings. I sometimes think we're kinda living at the end of time. Of course it's the end of one time but it's unusually hard to see what coming times will be like.
Changing of the guard. As he points out, it will b the demise of an industry that generates an income for those who make the ditties of music for programs and such.

Maybe musk will donate some of his billions to those out of work muso's.
Changing of the guard. As he points out, it will b the demise of an industry that generates an income for those who make the ditties of music for programs and such.

Maybe musk will donate some of his billions to those out of work muso's.
But it's not just that industry. How many other industries will either disappear? Or change drastically?

Obviously, the technology can copy existing works of art. Or literature. But they, whoever 'they' means, are said to be working on making AI produce near-copies with enough changes to make us appreciate the product as something new. And according to those who see AI as the nemesis of creative industries, the progress is so rapid today's crude, awkward, unsatisfactory copies will soon be so much better that even art critics let alone the buying public will not be aware of a difference between human and AI art.

Perhaps everybody will be able to buy 'original art' for their home - is that a good thing or a travesty of creativity? Does that even matter?

And what about all the other jobs AI will 'replace'? Warehousing, retail, news presenting, teaching, doctors, lawyers, estate agents, travel agents, bus drivers, the list goes on and on.

One bright spark assured us that within five years, the World will be so changed that absolutely nothing we know now will be of any relevance any more. I sure hope he was talking bollocks.
This is not exactly an AI related comment but an observation on changing cultures.

Yesterday my wife and I were out for breakfast at a local coffee shop, when a group of six young nurses from a nearby hospital came in , they all got something to eat and were sitting at the same table, but every single one of them did nothing but wordlessly stare at their phones for the entire time they were there. I couldn’t help but think how sad it was that they couldn’t enjoy each others company and normal human conversation. Smart phones are like a drug habit , especially for the young. It’s to the point where schools are beginning to ban them here, and to that I say…Yay!
Fully agree!

Also found myself in agreement with a social commentator on Radio 4 couple weeks back who reckoned that many or most modern social problems - toxic debate, on-line abuse, rising suicide rates among young girls, children exposed to pornography, culture wars, fragmentation of social structures, and so on and so on, all date from about 2008 when smart phones came on the market.

Obviously, smart phones can be very useful, but he said the social media corporations knowingly set out to entrap and addict users, especially the young.