snort'n Norton, the pointless? thread

Curious about the drum rather than disc front brake?
The early commandos were drum, this 72 (750 not 850 like the side cover sez) is prolly a bitza, bits of this bike, bits of that bike, dig through the bins, kinda build. That's how it came to me. 72' did come both ways, the gurus say 72 Combat Commandos have disks.
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Curious about the drum rather than disc front brake?
Looks very like the TLS drum had on me 1970 TR6 650. Often said to be the only front brake the British industry wuz fitting around then that actually worked. On the Triumph, I used to say the front brake had fear assistance - if you pulled like your really, really meant it, the brake pulled the bike up surprising soonish.
Hey Mister! What's the electrical bit stowed above the gearbox with a very tempting red switch on it?
Ejection seat!
A gggGary built beauty plate and:
Shh!!!! Don't tell anyone! I replaced the key switch with a toggle.
What are the odds a criminal could start and ride off on a Norton?
Nice Cooooool bike @gggGary, with a capital C. Always wanted to own a yellow one.
Thanks Adam!
used to have a yeller one.
72 detail..jpg
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Ejection seat!
A gggGary built beauty plate and:
Shh!!!! Don't tell anyone! I replaced the key switch with a toggle.
What are the odds a criminal could start and ride off on a Norton?
Anyone who "could" rideaway on a bike like this has too much respect for the skills of you and your ilk to even consider such a blasphomy. My key stays in the iggy switch and both petcocks "off".
It's the electric start model, well it was... some parts missing.

You gonna get it working again? That could be nice. 🙂 Just reminiscing here, I recall Colorado Norton Works had an adapter kit that fitted a more powerful starter from a Harley Davidson on there, it was said to be a nice upgrade.
the bio leg is getting cranky.
Decided to see if my aftermarket knee was (is) up to the task of starting an XS. It is. Wasn't happy about it, but it started it second kick. 'Course, the bike was already warmed up... but it did it.

Can't wait to wail on the BSA victor. :rolleyes: