Sold my XS2

Broke my right hand ring finger today.

Probably will not get to finish until next year.

Which still makes you about 5 times faster than me! :laugh2:
Might be cheaper to sit in the local bars all day
Possibly, but surely not if you take your health into consideration. This hobby is good for my brain. Considering the social interaction, the joy of riding the motorcycles and the quality time spent in the garage, I believe this is all money well spent. I hope to see some of you at events in 2022!
I hope to see some of you at events in 2022!

Oooohhhhh, me too Marty. I sure don't like the rules, but I will follow them because people who are waaaayyyy smarter than me have passed them along and I have kids and grandchildren to protect. Nonetheless, this whole COVID19 thing is now very old and it seems to be the eternal trip-to-the-dentist. When-T-F will it end?

As for the economics of restoring these bikes, I never even think about my own time in the mix. I have not yet sold any of my vintage bikes, but if I ever did, I'd be keen to recover only my out-of-pocket funds (parts etc.).

The labour I put into my bikes, I consider to be my mental health therapy. After a 40+year career of wearing a suit and tie, attending meetings, prepping lectures, watching my language and editing my remarks before delivering them, arguing with lazy-little-b@stard students (THEM: "Sir, I don't know how to do problem #7". ME: "You might try attending the lecture and then just doing the f@cking work rather than spending all of your time trying weasel out of doing it sonny-boy."), worrying about making quorum at meetings, f@cking around with regulations and bylaws, writing fruitless proposals, irrelevant reports and other silly minutae, I just want to play in my workshop, drink some BEvERages, watch a little TV and do some wrenching.

In my line of work (I am a university engineering professor), many folks just keep on toddling into the office and sitting there all day - achieving nothing, contributing nothing and gaining nothing from the time spent. There are nearly a dozen people in my faculty who are over 70 and about six who are over 75 years old FFS. Don't they have a frickin' life?

I am tired and cranky....and I know it. It is time to hang up the ole' T-square and do something else.

Here endeth the sincere apologies to the OP.

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