Sumotrack rebuild

Well it wanted a fight today, but I came out on top. It didn't want to run right or start well with a dual trigger set up. Switched back to the single wheel at cam speed and it's much smoother. Less sync loss and better starting.

I did find I have a leaky cam seal, and the starter gear really doesn't want to stay engaged. But I'm closer to having it back on the road.
Finally have a proper return spring for the rear brake. It's one of the things I was never happy with originally and I wasn't sure how to do it better.

P.s. the oil under the bike is from me forgetting I never tightened the oil feed line and the leaky cam seal. Both fixed.
I'm to the point where I'm running into small issues. Went to sync the carbs and found a vacuum leak on the right cylinder. So carbs came off, manifolds came off and fresh gaskets were installed.
While I was doing that I noticed the base gasket was seeping, so off came the tank and top mount to retorque the head.
By the time it was back together I had to stop and cool off. It's getting way too hot in the garage. So I might have to do a side project and install a screen door on the side ofthe garage. Getting some cross flow would help, but being that it's getting near triple digits there's only so much you can do.
So one issue I ran into is the microsquirt won't power the coils until it has synced with the trigger wheel, with the cam speed wheel that can take 2 revolutions. This was long enough for the carbs to flood it.

So for now here is my budget ignition. It's 2 offbrand pertronix ignitors that were sold for a bosch 009 distributor on a modified stock points plate.