The ergonomic experiment

It's not the height but it does help. I think it helps keep your butt from sweating so much. I used one while traveling. I tried several different pads (air, gel, combo of both) but none helped that much. So I tried the old piece of sheepskin that came with one of the bikes and found it just as good as those other things.

What I always wanted to try but never did was one of those bead "cushions". They look uncomfortable but apparently really help.
Is it true that in WWII each French solder were issued with a Swiss style pocket knife containing two tools, a cork screw and a white flag?

Hi Paul,
nah, Swiss Army Knife has a saw blade & a pair of scissors.
What I DID see on TY was that the Israeli military rifle has a tool that opens beer cans.
We had an Italian POW camp at the end of our street during WW2.
The gate was always open and the POWs would come and go as they pleased.
Lotsa dark-eyed kids in town by VE Day.
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I found this interesting reason for ape hangers:

"Best Answer:The story I heard was that back in the old days people used to string wires across the road to deter motorcyclist gangs. The leaders started to use hi-rise handlebars to protect themselves from the wires which were neck high." I understand it, ape,teach those scofflaws a lesson.

In the closing days of WW2, the retreating German forces would often stretch a single strand of field telephone wire across a lane. They decapitated some motorcycle riders and Jeep drivers. It wasn't long before the fitment of a 5ft or so long piece of scaffold pole was fitted vertically to the front bumpers of Jeeps to protect the drivers. The motorcyclists just had to keep their fingers crossed.

I just went to that thread on ADV and found the link to the Brazil kite flyers... It's on Wayback, but it's gory as hell, so I'm not putting the link here. Anyone curious enough can find it.
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Speaking of seats, one thing I learned is that conventional seating uses a convex top shape, and a concave top shape is supposed to be used for foot-forward laid-back cruisers.

I had to modify the seat foam on my Vegas to get this shape.

Posts #83 to #86...

Very nice 2M! I enjoyed reading about your mods and electronics too. Speaking of aftermarket seats, I know cruiser bikes typically have the butt bucket going on which is quite comfortable, but aftermarket seat companies like Corbin and Seargent who make seats for standards and sport touring bikes, often make the seated area broader and flatter with relatively firm foam. This seams counter intuitive at first, but they are surprisingly comfortable and more supportive.
"Broader" is right, Bob.

I remember shopping these late-model cruisers, glancing at the huge seats, and asking myself "Have we all grown big butts?"...

Exactly so. First time I was in a motorcycle showroom for ages, I was suddenly struck by the largeness of the seats.
What a bunch of fat-arsed bstads, I thought.
Ergonomics and a better riding experience: A month or so ago I bought a Shuberth helmet and Auritech ear plugs They have been excellent and I have enjoyed riding with them. This evening after sunset I decided to go for a ride to see what the headlight is like on the Virago - any excuse for a ride. I wore the Auritech ear plugs and my old open face helmet with visor...

...What a difference! Compared to the Schuberth I cannot see how I ever coped with the old helmet. It will be going in a cardboard box to be filed away in a deep dark cornor i.e. Set 1 to being dumped.
Hummm, better late that never. My Honda with the butt bucket, keep your feet on the pegs or on the highway pegs, that's it. XS, Nah! Keep your feet on the pegs, on the highway pegs, slide back and put your feet on the buddy pegs.. With the pullbacks you can ride side saddle if you want to! The strap across the seat, I don't notice it. Maybe I got a dead arse? After a 40 mile ride my left grip has sild back about 1/4 inch. I keep having to push/twist it back up. What do ya'll use to hold them on? 3M?
Well Grimly, the big arses have more square inches to engage the available seat area. The little narrow arses like, well, some of us, it's the Princess and the Pea kinda thing.

Edit: And the pot hole will make you cuss like a sailor ( which I am). I hit one a while back that had no bottom. I thought I might had ruined a tire. But as I was going through all the emergency language at the top of my lungs so I could hear myself above the pea shooters, I passed a Mailman ( No, not that one) and he told me I was #1 ( Shot me the bird) cause he thought I was talking to him! ( If he would have had a gun he would have went postal!)
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