The ergonomic experiment

If you are considering a flip front helmet, I can recommend the HJC IS Max 2. I’ve had three of them now, and I also had a flip front Bell helmet. In my humble opinion the HJC gives a lot of bang for the buck, it has an internal sun visor , and the chin bar has metal latch assemblies ( not all do ) this makes it much more secure in the event of an impact. You can read tons of reviews of this helmet , just do a Google search. And take your time shopping around, the prices are all over the place, and sometimes you can catch a good sale. I also added a dark tint outer visor, because our Arizona sun is blindingly bright.
View attachment 192531 View attachment 192532
Thanks for the info !!
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Viking Bonafied on Special tank.
+1 on HJC if you have a round head.

I have a CL-17 and although it doesn’t have an interior sunshade, it does have recessed areas on the side padding for glasses.
For a couple of my helmets I have had to take a ball peen hammer to the inner styrofoam to shape it to my head.

View attachment 192578
I consider a helmet to be a precision instrument of safety. One accident with contact and it's done. If you only wear the thing to be legal, that's one thing. Once you've fixed it with a hammer, I believe it compromised.
If you go to the right vendor, you should get a helmet that fits. If you buy online, it is possible to search helmets by shape.
I don't wear HJC helmets because they don't cater to my head shape. Neither does Bell. I've taken this up with the reps of both companies and neither tried to cram my head into their helmet. They apologize and tell me to check Arai (or other) that can give a proper fit.
I hope you were joking about hammer adjustments to a helmet.
One accident with contact and it's done.
I believe this "truism" refers to impacts to the fiberglass shell, not the styrofoam.
If you drop your helmet on concrete, it can crack internally, between the layers of 'glass, and you might not actually see the crack.
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However, I imagine that the manufacturer of the helmet would be hesitant to back up their product if they knew that the owner modified it in any way.

If you goggle "shaping the styrofoam" of a helmet you'll get loads of forum entries regarding guys who have shaped the internal foam shell. Some people shave it.
If you goggle "shaping the styrofoam" of a helmet you'll get loads of forum entries
I'm going to stand by my previous remarks. Reshaping the inside of my helmet is not something I would do. That said, if you're comfortable with that, by all means.
Brand name tank bags can be pretty expensive. I've been running this no-name medium sized magnetic bag for many years. I think it cost me around $35 way back when. I liked the size and shape so much that this is actually my 2nd one. I wore the 1st one out, lol .....


Unfortunately, they stopped making this bag. One occasionally pops up on eBay and I watch for them. In the mean time, this one doesn't look too bad. Seems to be the medium size I like and has the important feature I look for - the ability to hook a strap to the front. I run it around the steering neck as a safety feature. I've had magnetic bags get blown off at high speeds or by a strong side wind gust .....|enc:AQAFAAACIEuyipNmq0aFTy61L0eci0IUxodpdudAjzZ8o3sOnDL7oPENA0NF1VF9gb8%2B5Qn9zhMTEJxmL%2F6mEo2eicMOx3axa4Nk3an5dwQLmp3g6kXP82F8sIkP9P7nc09iN9d1C1BKIVmKVulOat8tmiRCj6JfueO1HLjEzpifbx5Swg3w8AYF0i5Of%2BeSG4iUbIIStu1LOj%2FgjxrjsE7slN1w2jlJA0FIEUX2ioiB17JtU3cuYSz52cugZRPqsQ5MUaE3etCVDimO9Lc5Dn1WssasD7J1Kgun9Sge25p8XSrKXn6YBNwWfj5teGKNRdlCo%2F24NcsYc3mfk4WN0TgjfEseRYtXeanL2uEZh03trEeI84kjamnncarmIUsWioyo8dJvEl55F3x%2FF809VDkV0no4mjY1uUxnjG6rSWkLJvrDZxZE7LT2qkQpnOL0Ee8TEqZzfkFGElGSZzl7Vy6YuZ83pYiyNGMQxXB2R00yAjPF1MliozhjL%2B0NhR9ih%2FugPVksZiqkXj9jIYFjutdmPnDjBHaSbNxTCzliF%2FcTwzd0eOx1Cmdh0HX30f5FLr1LdU214kVa1vg5%2B%2Bo4gt2UNqg1KQnS8ownHHXAmdRByrEXc%2FrA%2Fa8kZuhYrI7rwokf9yA%2FDnGuXYlushLgC9PLRTDqsGhNkoUdDtANwTRAy7s7QqAaYU%2BBhSnBK%2Bdz1lHtDipGdNTrImY0315Vyy1XuwlRtJU%3D|ampid:pL_CLK|clp:2047675&autorefresh=true
I just ordered an HJC IS-Max II helmet. I hope it lives up to the reviews. I may have to bend my glasses a little for the right fit...:hump:
Now I'm remembering back when I was wearing full faced helmets years ago (for racing purposes) I had trouble finding ones that accepted my glasses easily. I found that the HJC helmets were the best at this.
