They! followed me home, I swear.


Single Fins and Twin Cylinders
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1970 Suzuki t350 - a bit of a rare bird.


The price was quite right but it does have some downsides.

I believe someone was restoring it in the past, lost steam and had to move on. I’m not quite sure. It seems there was a lot work done, frame was powder coated, lots of nos hardware and rubber bits, seat cover and foam.

The down sides…
Someone coated the tank very badly and it’s cracking all over. The upside to the downside is that it’s pretty badly done and quite flaky. I ran a test with acetone and it seems to just melt it away so I’m not too concerned. I’ll pour a gallon of acetone and some drywall screws and let it sit for a day shaking it up every few hours.


The only other big downside is there is some scoring in the left cylinder. Probably the easiest cylinder over ever taken apart. About 5 minutes and the head was off.

Cruz in image has .5mm and 1mm over for 75 bucks delivered so I’ll swing by the machine shop on Monday and see what they recommend.


The other minor downsides -
The chrome on the fork tubes, legs and head light is not the best. Will need to be chromed at some point. Fork legs are available for a decent price.

I’ll get the motor back together and then attack the chrome.

The paint is the wrong color and will also need to be corrected at some point. It will still be green, just not British racing green. More of a candy apple green.

I have never had, or seen on of these before. A T500 yes, but not the 350. Anyone have one???
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Hey! What a nice little bike! A little brother to the T500 huh? This is the first one I’ve seen. Can’t wait to see what you do with it.
When you get it on the road you’ll have to give us your riding impressions.
How nice is it to have that new shop to work in?

Yes a smaller 500t so to speak, but I’ve read they are more aggressively tuned And they sport a 6 speed transmission.

As for the shop, man is it a dream to have a real space to work in.

I’ve had little half garages, side yards, old horse stalls and little sheds… time for a change.

It’s still a mess and only a little bit set up inside but makin progress.
Yes a smaller 500t so to speak, but I’ve read they are more aggressively tuned And they sport a 6 speed transmission.

As for the shop, man is it a dream to have a real space to work in.

I’ve had little half garages, side yards, old horse stalls and little sheds… time for a change.

It’s still a mess and only a little bit set up inside but makin progress.

1970 Suzuki t350 - a bit of a rare bird.

View attachment 323190

The price was quite right but it does have some downsides.

I believe someone was restoring it in the past, lost steam and had to move on. I’m not quite sure. It seems there was a lot work done, frame was powder coated, lots of nos hardware and rubber bits, seat cover and foam.

The down sides…
Someone coated the tank very badly and it’s cracking all over. The upside to the downside is that it’s pretty badly done and quite flaky. I ran a test with acetone and it seems to just melt it away so I’m not too concerned. I’ll pour a gallon of acetone and some drywall screws and let it sit for a day shaking it up every few hours.

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The only other big downside is there is some scoring in the left cylinder. Probably the easiest cylinder over ever taken apart. About 5 minutes and the head was off.

Cruz in image has .5mm and 1mm over for 75 bucks delivered so I’ll swing by the machine shop on Monday and see what they recommend.
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The other minor downsides -
The chrome on the fork tubes, legs and head light is not the best. Will need to be chromed at some point. Fork legs are available for a decent price.

I’ll get the motor back together and then attack the chrome.

The paint is the wrong color and will also need to be corrected at some point. It will still be green, just not British racing green. More of a candy apple green.

I have never had, or seen on of these before. A T500 yes, but not the 350. Anyone have one???
Fantastic find! Love the look of the T500 and yours looks equally cool. Can’t wait to see the completed project and read your road test results. I should start ear;y and start looking for next winter’s project now. Congrats!🎉🎉
That will come up nicely, I know of 2 T350's neither as tidy as yours. Both local bikes slated to be classic racers.

That’s pretty cool.

I’ve been toying with the idea, since the barrels are off, might do a little port work and maybe run some chambers.

I’ve been reading that rd400 chambers work well, just gotta cut and weld the flanges from the t350 on. Not too hard.

Fantastic find! Love the look of the T500 and yours looks equally cool. Can’t wait to see the completed project and read your road test results. I should start ear;y and start looking for next winter’s project now. Congrats!🎉🎉

It’s hard not to look haha.

I told me wife I’d stop looking, now they just find me haha.
Nice. Claimed 39hp, 6 speed, Standing 1/4 in 14.5 and @ 86mph. Almost top speed, 91mph.
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My manual claims 110 top speed, I don’t think I’ll test it. Seems a small bike to be goin that fast on.

I am looking forward to the sixth gear though!
Quite successful with the acetone soak.

Left it over night and it took off about 99% of it.


The discoloration is just normally what the tank looks like. But it’s all clear of liner.

I filled it back up for another soak tonight to get the rest.

I found this in the book of paperwork

Once cleaned of the liner it will just need a normal tank cleaning to get the light rust and it’ll be back in business.

It interesting that when I poured the acetone out in a bucket, the liner separated after sitting for a few minutes. I was able to pour clean acetone back in the tank for a second session.

The Suzuki stacked up pretty well against the competition.

That was excellent! Boy that reminded my of why I used to have so many motorcycle magazine subscriptions in the 70’s and 80’s! Road tests and comparisons used to be so thorough and comprehensive, I used to love reading those articles.
The multi bike shoot outs, motorcycle of the year comparisons, the racing coverage, the editorials……all of it.

I dropped all my subscriptions about 10 years ago, they were nothing but empty fluff. Big glossy photos with maybe a paragraph to go with it. They dumbed them down.