Was hoping to have more good to report… but just bad and ugly haha
At first I thought the oil tank was fiberglass when I knocked on it haha
Lots of what appears to be jb weld as a filler. Still pretty soft too.
Any one got any suggestions on how I might go about removing the dent?? I’d like to try and save this if possible. A replacement is about as expensive as what I paid for the bike itself.
It’s a tricky one to get a spoon/shovel into to try and lift/press it up from the inside.
At first I thought the oil tank was fiberglass when I knocked on it haha
Lots of what appears to be jb weld as a filler. Still pretty soft too.
Any one got any suggestions on how I might go about removing the dent?? I’d like to try and save this if possible. A replacement is about as expensive as what I paid for the bike itself.
It’s a tricky one to get a spoon/shovel into to try and lift/press it up from the inside.