OK, I've fixed my turn signal issue while the battery was charging on my bike.
How to wire a CF14 load independent flasher relay to an XS650.
Caveat - I am not an electrician. This works for me, there's probably other ways that work too. Follow my instructions at your own risk.
I wanted to replace the 47 year old flasher unit with a modern load independent flasher unit. One that isn't so fussy about battery voltage and works with any type of indicator bulb. I already had a new CF14 lying on the shelf so I used it. I also took the opportunity of removing the 47 year old indicator auto cancelling gubbins.
Remove the original relay and note the wires brown = switched live, brown/white is load. In my case yellow/green was found not to work with the moden relay and is going to be insulated and pushed out of the way. It's left visible for the purpose on this thread.
Check the terminals on your new flasher unit. Brown goes to B+, brown/white goes to L and E- goes to ground.
In my installation, I swapped the brown terminal across in the three way push on connector as found on the original wiring. The brown/white terminal was in the correct place. The yellow/green terminal was removed and replaced with a new black ground wire that has a ring terminal at the ground end.
Having switched the wires over as above the new black wire was grounded at one of the coil mount screws as it was convenient.
I just plugged in the rewired three way terminal onto the new CF14 flasher, switched the ignition on and it works.
Perfect flash rate, no more issues with fussy battery voltage and it'll work with LED and regular bulbs. At the moment the regular bulbs are installed. The idiot lights flash correctly and there's no issue removing the old auto cancelling gubbins.
Now I just need to insulate the redundant yellow/green wire and tidy it all up.
Hope that helps someone. Picture -