got muscles in his head that ain't never been used
I'm trying to find an engine guard
OK ya got me ( a crash bar )
It's for the 77
I have one on the 75 and it's mounted top and bottom with clamps
There might be one out the that bolts on rather than using clamps ??
I've seen one on Ebay for a 750 but not sure it will bolt on the 650
Ok watcha got, It would be nice if it's in fairly good condition as the bike looks great and it would be nice if the guard would too
OK ya got me ( a crash bar )
It's for the 77
I have one on the 75 and it's mounted top and bottom with clamps
There might be one out the that bolts on rather than using clamps ??
I've seen one on Ebay for a 750 but not sure it will bolt on the 650
Ok watcha got, It would be nice if it's in fairly good condition as the bike looks great and it would be nice if the guard would too