Well, I'm a dumbass


Everything in XS
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Downeast Maine
Not that that comes as much of a surprise...

Couldn't find my phone. Took it with me when I went to town this morning. I know I had it when I got home because I called a guy to tell him he'd left his keys in my truck.

Washed the Vette and touched up a couple of spots, decided to go for a ride. Left, got a ways from home and said "Dammit, I forgot my phone" but I wasn't about to go back.

So now I'm hunting high and low and not a sign of it anywhere. Called it, can't hear it ringing anywhere. Da fuq?

On a whim, googled up "find my phone" and, since it's Android and has google on it, it popped right up. About a mile from the house. I immediately knew what had happened:

1. Getting in and out of the Vette requires some gymnastics and I sometimes lay the phone on the back deck until I wiggle into the cockpit.

2. The location Google showed me was on the first of 3 90° uphill corners that were MADE for taking quickly on a bike or in a well-handling car. I always lean on it a bit through those corners.

Sure as shit, I left the phone on the back deck of the car and when I was barreling ass through that first corner, it went shooting off the freshly waxed deck and into a parking lot.

How it laid there for several hours without getting run over or picked up, I'll never know.
I did that once too. Set it on top of the side rail of my truck bed while loading something. Got about 5 miles down the road and by chance I noticed that my truck had just lost sync with my phone. Turned around and found it lying in the middle of the road.
While driving truck night shift just last week uphill loaded, in other words about 40mph on the highway.
Being passed by a pick up with running boards I saw the light of a cell phone balancing there on that running board, it was ringing lol.
Wonder how many miles it rode there without falling ?
You think putting a phone on the trunk lid is bad? Try a wedding ring!
Yup, my wife once took off her wedding ring just before some gardening and - in her infinite wisdom - decided to put it on the trunk of her car.
As you can imagine, she forgot about it and then drove somewhere a few hours later. When she realized what had happened, she was bawling like a li'l kid who just dropped an ice cream cone. We searched hi and lo for an hour, retraced her driving path and all and eventually got lucky and found the flattened ring wedged in the rough asphalt of our neighborhood road. Lucky that I paid extra for platinum prongs because they did not budge and held the diamond in place. I was amazed. In the end, it cost us only for another gold band but he diamond was okay. Huge relief.
Many years ago when I was visiting my mother in Tacoma, WA and I lost my Motorola flip phone.
I was driving a tight-fitting rental car and I guess when I got in I knocked the phone out of the belt clip and it fell in the parking lot. (belt clips, remember those?)
I had no idea where I had lost it.
A short time later someone found my phone and looked at the numbers on it.
I had my mother's number in the phone as "Mom" so they called her and told her they'd found my phone.
They figured if anyone knew whose phone it was it would be mom!
I was able to meet up with them and collect my phone.
I suppose if that happened now with a locked smart phone I'd be SOL.
I wear prescription eye glasses, years ago I had bought a rather expensive pair of sun glasses and I took out breakage insurance on them. Well one day I was trying to wrestle my two kids into the car and I set my sun glasses on the roof of the car, forgot them there and drove off. After back tracking I found them a few miles from my house, having been run over , they were completely smashed. Being a cheeky bastard, I took them back to the place I bought them and the girl looked at them…..and then at me, with an expression that said “What the F am I supposed to do with these?” 😆
To their credit, they replaced them. 😎
Had my 98 Olds pulled up behind the house by the benches and fire pit. (company over)
I was sitting on the hood when a friend noticed I needed another beverage and handed me one.
I nestled the empty in the corner of the windshield by the wiper and registration and forgot about it.
Yep, following day coming out of the plant for lunch there she sat. Proud as punch.
I'm sure some comments were made but not to me. Good thing I drive into work at dark.
An officer might not have seen the humor of it. :whistle:
Though speaking of actual lost phones, some good phones (like Android) allow a message on the lock screen.
Mine says "If found, please TEXT xxx-xxx-xxxx". Which, of course, is a DIFFERENT number from the phone. :D That way, some good soul will be able to return my expensive $40 phone in case I get separated from it.
If your phone does not allow a message on the lock screen, chances are that it still might allow you to set your own background wallpaper. So make an image with another contact # and set it as your wallpaper.
While driving truck night shift just last week uphill loaded, in other words about 40mph on the highway.
Being passed by a pick up with running boards I saw the light of a cell phone balancing there on that running board, it was ringing lol.
Wonder how many miles it rode there without falling ?
I once drove to work (15 miles) with a 10mm wrench on the roof of my '89 Ford Festiva.
Not that that comes as much of a surprise...

Couldn't find my phone. Took it with me when I went to town this morning. I know I had it when I got home because I called a guy to tell him he'd left his keys in my truck.

Washed the Vette and touched up a couple of spots, decided to go for a ride. Left, got a ways from home and said "Dammit, I forgot my phone" but I wasn't about to go back.

So now I'm hunting high and low and not a sign of it anywhere. Called it, can't hear it ringing anywhere. Da fuq?

On a whim, googled up "find my phone" and, since it's Android and has google on it, it popped right up. About a mile from the house. I immediately knew what had happened:

1. Getting in and out of the Vette requires some gymnastics and I sometimes lay the phone on the back deck until I wiggle into the cockpit.

2. The location Google showed me was on the first of 3 90° uphill corners that were MADE for taking quickly on a bike or in a well-handling car. I always lean on it a bit through those corners.

Sure as shit, I left the phone on the back deck of the car and when I was barreling ass through that first corner, it went shooting off the freshly waxed deck and into a parking lot.

How it laid there for several hours without getting run over or picked up, I'll never know.
Nope. Never done that. No clue what you're talking about... nor have I looked up my daughters' phones to help them back to Starbucks, along with their debit cards...
Many years ago when I was visiting my mother in Tacoma, WA and I lost my Motorola flip phone.
I was driving a tight-fitting rental car and I guess when I got in I knocked the phone out of the belt clip and it fell in the parking lot. (belt clips, remember those?)
I had no idea where I had lost it.
A short time later someone found my phone and looked at the numbers on it.
I had my mother's number in the phone as "Mom" so they called her and told her they'd found my phone.
They figured if anyone knew whose phone it was it would be mom!
I was able to meet up with them and collect my phone.
I suppose if that happened now with a locked smart phone I'd be SOL.
I have my name, landline number and my wife's cell number on my lock screen. If I lose it, I might get lucky and an honest person will return it, especially if I lose it at work.
I once drove from Tampa, FL to Syracuse, NY straight through in U-Haul's biggest straight truck pulling an enclosed trailer. I hit McDonald's before leaving Tampa and when I rechecked the safety chain and trailer lights, I left a large drink cup half full of Coke on the bumper of the truck. 1300 miles, a dozen cups of coffee, and 26 hours later, and that damn cup was still on the bumper when I got home.