I only use a Kobo ebook now. Miniscule in size and holds thousands of books which you can download free online on various sites. As a kid I didn't read a lot, but like all kids I read the usual kiddy fairyntales: Jack and Beanstalk, Hansel and Gretel, Pinocchio, The Bible, Rumpelstiltskin, The Emperors New Suit. Now I read adult fairy stories by authors like: Paterson, Grisham, Baldacci, Cussler, Higgins, Follet. Follet and Baldacci in particular write well, I'm reading Cussler at the moment. Before the ebook, I'd buy a paperback, find it boring and throw it away, quite expensive when you read a lot. With the ebook, there are a plethora of sites where you can download books free, if you don't like the book, nothing lost, just delete it.
Get an eBook, you'll never look back!
When I have time I also indulge another hobby, adding to a memoir I'm writing of my 25 year career in defence. I wrote this some time ago, just been adding to it as my memory is jogged. Most of the stories have been posted on an ex defence site I frequent, my writings have been well recieved, simply because I have jogged the memories of others, rather than my writing skills, I suspect. I'm now arranging it in sections, chapters if you like: Postings, my three police dogs, boot camp and so on.