LOL! The local SAAQ inspection mandate-holder is notorious for senseless and baseless inspection failures; case-in-point, an acquaintance had his mid-60's car fail inspection because the inspector deemed that the windshield-washer output was inadequate. WTF??? I was therefore dreading what they were going to object to on my SG.SAAQ can be quite the adventure! You seemed to have found
I go up an hour north from where I am, instead of the the one 20 minutes south, they speak better “bike” up there!
The inspector looking at my bike told me right off the bat that he didn't know much about bikes. He checked the serial numbers, the operation of the headlight hi/lo, flashers, horn and brake lights, the presence of fenders and a chainguard and the odometer reading. That's it... inspection took no more than 5 minutes. There are of course a number of other checkpoints on the inspection list, but these were checked off summarily. Needless to say, I was tickled!