What have you done to your XS today?

I think I would like to see more of this build !
It's a bit difficult to photograph at the moment until I take it off the ramp
Its a stock length hardtail
I've updated the front brake and fitted a 1930s AJW foxhound petrol tank (but don't tell anyone) I'll be hung!
Boyer ignition,I fitted an lc alternator with help from this site on making the adapter plate
It's a 447 motor but with b34s late model? Carbs
I'm just playing around with micro indicators


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Very cool! Looking forward to the final product 👍
Bits have just been machined. Nicely finished, including spark eroddd throttle stop internally. They fit the standard XS650 throttle tube perfectly. One more part for my chop build done.


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Just got some more 3D printed parts for my chop build. I have a dummy oil tank that was originally some kind of heavy duty flask for the nuclear industry. It has a nice screw on end cap and a reduced diameter opening, I wanted something that would collapse to fit through the opening, then expand, lock out and be a carrier for my electrics tray. Ended up designing up a unit that could be 3D printed for ease I guess. Just got the parts back and assembled them today. Works a treat. The inside wall of the tank will have 2mm adhesive foam tape stuck to it and the splines on the 3 plastic bits will dig in to stop rotation. The tray slides in after installation and can be pulled out most of the way to facilitate wiring up the Axel Joost B-Box.


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Gard darnnit. Did it again and at a bike meet no less.
Kick started the bike on the side stand while in gear. Did not start cause It fell over. No scratches cause friend's son was next to me.
This is only my 2nd kick start bite, first one being a honda SL70 when was a kid and I was able to kick start it while standing up.
Friend said I should be doing it while on center stand, my XS is painful to put on center stand but I guess I could.
All summer I took the bike from my garage to the ride and back again. Having to pull it out of the garage, I never would forget to put it in neutral cause I had to in order to back it out.
For now, I put a green wire tie on the key and the kick start rubber to remind my forgetful Ars to make sure i put it back in neutral.
If you put slightly taller shocks on the bike it is much easier to get on the center stand. My 75 with modern Triumph shocks is a breeze to put it up. The 72, not so much.

I"m not that tall and I can get my 83XJ650 onto center stand and 2000 BMW just fine. BMW is way easier.
the XS pivoting I MUST have my hard boots on or hurts my feet.
I've seen that video posted above, My bike is just not that easy.
If you haven't had the stand off recently take it off and clean the old grease out of it and replace with new grease. Also consider shorting the stand by 3/4 to 1 inch. That will make a huge difference. On my XS2's I have shortened everyone of them. Usually 1 inch.
If you haven't had the stand off recently take it off and clean the old grease out of it and replace with new grease. Also consider shorting the stand by 3/4 to 1 inch. That will make a huge difference. On my XS2's I have shortened everyone of them. Usually 1 inch.
I did remove, clean and grease and no help.
How do you shorten it? cut and weld?
I've seen that video posted above, My bike is just not that easy.
That’s me in the vid. That XS11 is 600 lbs. It’s all technique. I recently had a petite woman getting her RE Interceptor on the stand after she insisted she couldn’t because she wasn’t strong enough. In a few minutes she was doing it easily.
Technique is fine, so long as the front and rear springs aren't sagged and ancient.
Most bikes popped up onto their stands when new, forty years on, not so much. No point putting your back out until the height is right.
Try to push the stand through the floor. Don’t try to lift the bike. It’s all in your legs.
That works when you're 200lbs. I'm now down to 145 (same as I weighed the day I graduated boot camp) and although my SG is pretty easy, it just laughs at me if all I do is try to push the stand through the floor. I stand on the stand and as I raise up, I also lift from the grab bar.

So, right foot on the stand, right hand on the grab bar. stand up so the left foot leaves the ground, forcing the stand down while lifting with the right hand. For me as a lightweight, that's the easiest.
The only thing I do different, and it's because I turn to face the bike, I put my left foot on the stand lever. With my left hand holding the left grip and my right hand holding the grab rail or grabbing under the mudguard, this feels like a natural position. Weight on left foot, pull upwards with right hand and up she comes.