Raymond. First post in this thread has the vin char
Alex, from Australia, benn following Medias from your humble beginnings, Ron, and Popok from before they were fully entrenched openly with Medas.
Thought you might be interested in the latest development from NZ, (I am an expat from NZ with strong ties over there).
The present Gov't is right wing made up of 3 parties, 2 of which are small minority parties, giving the main, (National), party a majority of seats for Parliament. The 2 minor parties are extreme right wing giving them the power to get their agendas through to the floor to get debated and voted on.
Here is where the US right wing MAGA conspiracy type of influence is being allowed to have speaking engagements in NZ.
Candice Owens applied to Australia and New Zealand for Visa for speaking engagements. She was denied a visa by Australia, stating her ideas were not in line with Australian values, spoke conspiracy theories, anti semantic rhetoric questioning the holocaust.
All well and good.
Now to NZ, they, (immigration department), denied Owens a visa based on the NZ law that anyone who had Ben denied a visa to another country, (this case being Australia), is automatically disqualified from entry into NZ. There was and is discussion on her rhetoric not in line with NZ values, conspiracy theories, ati vaccine, covid vaccine, etcetera, etcetera.
The right wing Gov't minister has intervened and overturned the immigration dep'ts ruling and is now allowing her to visit and pursue her speaking engagements.
It is very, very, rare a minister would ever intervene in immigration issues like this. But this is in line with the right and extrema right makeup of this Gov't who cosy up to tRump and his idea's.
Link to a guardian article
I hope you can look into it and post a response to inform the Meidas Mighty, inturn put pressure on the NZ Gov't.
A good add on to an international coverage in line with our values of truth and accountability.
Thank you for listening on this issue and I hope to hear back
Sincerely, Alex Gallie