Float Height incorrect....gas leaking from carbs


XS650 Junkie
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Hey guys, so I guess my float height is incorrect on one carb. It keeps leaking from the left one. Here's my question though. I have already had my bike put away for about 3 weeks now. I am wondering how much damage gas overflowing through the carbs into the engine can do while in storage. I obviously plan on fixing this issue, however the bike is away from where I live and we have 2ft of snow right now so an immediate fix is not gonna happen, at least not until the roads clear.

Thank for the input.
If it continues to leak, then there is the possibility that it will leak into the cylinders, past the rings and into the crank case. Gas in the oil. It can also get all over the engine if it leaks onto it and cause a nasty, gummy, molasses junk mess.
When I store a bike for a long period of time I fill the tank up with fuel and Stabilizer, then clamp off the fuel lines going to the carbs. Also, I drain the carbs completely. This keeps gas from sitting in there and fouling the carbs up. Might be the floats or it could be the petcock. It might be leaking from the left one because it is on the kick stand, leaning that way.
I used to have the same problem with gas coming out the left side carb. I purchased the rebuild kits from Mikes and haven't had a problem since. I sometimes forget to turn the petcock off but, still no leaks. Mine is an 81 with the vacuum petcock replaced with one that will shut off.
Remember, as XSLeo always says. The float is not a fuel shut off, it is a regulator. The petcock is a fuel shut off. So if you are getting fuel still flowing into the carbs, and the petcock is off, then you have a little problem.
Opinion....Gas leaking from your carbs while in storage can do no good whatsoever to everything including risking everyone's safety. Moreover, don't assume that it just float height or why or on which carb. There's a crossover between the carbs remember which links flow and the leakage need also be supplied from at least one petcock to be continuous....ie not shut off by the petcock/s. Until you can diagnose and fix.....clamp the fuel line/s or drain the tanks for the storage period.

You don't want gasoline anywhere but in sealed container or the tank.
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Yup, I have an aftermarket petcock and i have a feeling it is not working properly. I'll clamp it off when I get back to it and dig a little deeper. I need to do some rust removal on that tank anyway so it's coming off sooner or later.
If I knew I wasn't going to ride for a few months, I'd drain the gas out of the tank and take it inside.

Float height wouldn't have an impact on the leaking there unless it was waaay off (way high).

On BS34 carbs (the later year xs650s) a leaking o-ring on the seat is the most likely thing in there. Replace the ring and keep the original Mikuni seat and needle if present. I had a Mike's needle swell up from something and it stuck in the seat. The original needles and seats seem to last forever on the BS34s if you don't damage them with pliers. I reverted to the original needles and seats that I had replaced.