ready to pull the engine


XS650 Member
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whats up guys just got all the mounts except one off to pull the engine for a overhaul/rebuild. Wondering if theres anytricks to pullin it out with only one person. and cant seem to get electric starter off either, is there more than 3 or 4 bolts?

xs650 4.jpg
Lay the bike down on the clutch side. Lift the frame off the motor. Try this search button this was covered last week with multiple other ways to do it.

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cool man didnt even think of that..sorry for not bein infromed on previous posts im a newbie to the xs650 world
We all go thru the learning curve. Welcome to the wild and wooly world of our XS 650's!
you dont have to take the starter off. If your husky enuf. (not basically strong, but sturdy) All you need is some one else to make sure the bike dosnt fall over.
What I do, Is I have somebody stand on the right side of the bike, holding the bike steady, then, making sure the mounts are off, and the chain is off, I stand on the left side of the bike, and with the large headpipe acorns put back on the studs(withuot the pipes, No carbs,) I grab the intake ports, pull the motor towards the head, and pull the exhaust studs against my gut, and heave the lump outta there.
I find this way the easiest, because if someone insists on helping muscle it out with me, it results in headbutts, and scratched frames. But if you have any kind of cronic back problems like I do, you will feel it for three days.
I have also used the lay down aproach with good results. Works good if you dont have the hbars installed, but I prefer to be upright. I like the upright method when there is oil in the engine.

Basically, if you control the entire situation,(