Recent content by alreadyoutofmydepth

  1. A

    Wiring LED blinkers and tail light

    This is all incredible helpful. Thanks so much everyone. Genuinely very humbled at the kindness and consideration. Hugely appreciated. Last night I dismantled the rear end (fender/rear lights/signals etc) which I'd pulled off on day one and threw in a corner of my garage. I found that the...
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    Wiring LED blinkers and tail light

    Guys, thanks so much for the quick responses and supportive advice - especially since (as Fredintoon points out) I'm in the wrong forum! Doh! In the UK, the Yamaha Vstar is called an XVS650 Dragstar, so i guess I've got confused over XVS650 and XS650. Sorry guys. Seems like your advice is...
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    Wiring LED blinkers and tail light

    Hi all, brand new to the forum - picked up a 1997 Dragstar 650 last Friday, full of hope and ambition. One week on and I'm an embittered old mess, muttering at my shoes! This is my first ever bike, and therefore first custom project and doubtless I have bitten off way more than I can sensibly...