Recent content by Knullig

  1. Knullig

    Help me identify this xs650 fairing

    Found it, it's an Shoe fm-2 fairing Here's a picture of it on an nighthawk for anyone interested: Even the manual. Thanks for the reply! Now im gonna go buy me some reading glasses. How could i have missed that shoei tag.....
  2. Knullig

    Help me identify this xs650 fairing

    Ow wow, been looking at this picture for quite a while now and have not seen the shoei tag.... Also did not know they made fairings. Any idea how they fit?
  3. Knullig

    Help me identify this xs650 fairing

    Hi all, I'm able to buy this fairing whom the dealer claims is for an xs650 75/83 but I can't find any picture's online of bikes with this fairing on. Does anybody recognize this fairing and knows if it will fit without modding to much? And maybe have a picture of it installed on a...
  4. $_86


  5. $_84

