1974 xs650 chopper with dead side sometimes?

Brandon Smith

XS650 Member
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hello i have a xs650 that the PO turned into a chopper, this bike will only spark on the right side ive changed coils around and figured out its side specific maybe something to due with the points? cuz when i touched a couple wires in the points it all of a sudden had great spark and kicked over lightly 3 times and started up with ease.... what could cause just one side to work like this? the points visually look fine.... any help would be appreciated!
Sometimes old parts are just worn out.

The points or the capacitors could be defective, or the connections could be corroded.
Spark plugs can go bad as well.

Make sure there is no oil contaminating the points. Gap the points and use a timing light to set the points. Refer to an XS650 manual.
well i have another parts motor with points and rotor/alternator, is there any way to test points or capacitors? i know its not the spark plugs cuz the other sides spark plug work on the working side, and even if the timing was off it would still spark on that side just at the wrong time right?
that's something more for next year.... i just feel so close so i wanna keep going with this setup for now
well i have another parts motor with points and rotor/alternator, is there any way to test points or capacitors? i know its not the spark plugs cuz the other sides spark plug work on the working side, and even if the timing was off it would still spark on that side just at the wrong time right?

You can test points using a VOM. The points need to be disconnected from the bike. Set the ohmmeter to the lowest scale, usually 200 ohms. With the points closed, read across the points with the ohmmeter. The points should read less than 1 ohm (the meter leads themselves can be 0.4 ohms.) If the points read more than 2 or 3 ohms, they are defective.
it turns out to have been a tightly packed points wire that after being wiggled and straightened finally started to spark on both sides.... thanks for everyone's help