For Sale - 1975 xs650, restored and tuned by mechanic 4000 obo


It sounds like you have done a good job of bringing a beautiful XS back to nice condition. I wish more XS650's would see this kind of detailed restoration. I think your bike is worth $4000 but not here, maybe ebay. Worth, however, is a subjective thing. Most XS buyers are looking at price, not condition. I would hope you did all this work to enjoy the bike yourself because if my experience is anything to go on, I get about half what I put into a bike.

Since you are new here, it is reasonable that a new guy offering an unseen bike at a high price would be met with scepticism. Still, it's kind of a tough crowd.

I thought these XS bikes went for more in Australia anyways. Am I wrong?

They do but to bring one in from the USA costs US$1300 for shipping, customs and Government charges from Long beach California.
On top of that anything up to US$750 to transport a bike from anywhere in the States.
So you can see us Australians are keen on our XS650s to freight one in when those costs could buy a nice bike.
So every bike we bring in could have purchased two in the States,
I have purchased four XS650 in the US. three are waiting in Long Beach to be shipped So imagine the cost to me on all four bikes and the terrible thought I could have had four more.
So to get back to the $4000 asking price it can be achievable to a market but he has to do his homework to aim for that price market
A tip,I did miss out on some amazing low mileage bikes that looked almost new and was surprised that these bikes were purchased by US collectors for extremely high dollars.