Air leak


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
My 78 Standard continues to make progress. I have ridden it from Seattle to Portland - about 400 miles round trip, and last week I took it over the mountains and back. About 300 miles all together.

It runs pretty well, but it is definitely running hot. On long uphill pulls, the engine knocks a little. After reading the comprehensive carb troubleshooting pages, I am certain it is running too lean. I discovered the vacuum tube in the left carb boot will just pull out. It goes in quite snugly with no free play, but it comes out with little pressure. I thought for sure this would be a problem area. I started it up, got it warm and let it idle while I sprayed carb cleaner in various places. The left vacuum tube had no effect. Neither did the right tube or either boot next to the head. Then I sprayed the right boot at the carb. The engine died instantly. Started it and sprayed it again and it died again. Spraying the left side at the same place has no effect. In fact, I can't find any other place that does anything.

I was expecting the engine to rev up with the carb cleaner, but maybe this brand is non-flammable in some way. Anyway, the carbs are coming off to see what's what in there.

The good news is the engine doesn't burn any oil and the only oil drip is from the tach drive on the front of the engine. Needs a new seal or two, I suppose. The tach and speedo needles bounced all over but lubing the cables cleared that up. The gas cap vent is clear.

It's a runner.
Life is good in Phil's garage.

The carb was not all the way into the boot. There was some gunk in there and a very small rock. Smaller than a bb. I cleaned it all and reassembled. No leaks and it idles smoother than ever.
