bratstyle build progress


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
South Louisiana
hey all.
an update on my build. it started here-
but i didn't want to drag up and old thread.

So here's progress. Ive got my seat mounted, 12" ape hangars (TC bros) mounted, wiring all done, tailights wired in, rear fender mounted, carbs cleaned and adjusted (mostly), new tires on the way, new brake pads, and most recently, about 15 miles put on it putting around the neighborhood. (the most i've ever ridden the bike)

I had hell with the carbs, i just couldn't get the left cylinder to fire. tested everything, but it all came down to the washer and o-ring under the idle mix screw- the washer wasnt there. just a tiny little .99 cent bit of nothing, but it will sure make ya want to scream. the carbs are still stock jets, so my next order of stuff will be jets and yet more o rings and gaskets.

still a million things to do, but being able to ride it around feels like a giant progress step.

left to do- the seat springs are way too tall, shorter ones are on order. the front brake hose is too short. forward controls are in the works, and and needed. those mid controls just dont work with that seat and bar position. I'm having trouble with sticky shifting, and it randomly pops out of third (or finds a neutral between second and third), but all that will be fixed in time.

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update on the update. got a bit more progress done since january when i posted that last one. since then, ive redone the rear fender mounts so that it is mounted to the swingarm and i can keep it super close to the tire, without the two touching on bumps.

after that, i had a bit of a mishap on a ride when a bolt backed out of the sprocket and tore some stuff up.

anyway, that prompted me to repaint the wheels

so that is all done, and of course i keep ordering more little parts and doodads. i bumped up the carb jets, but maybe i went too far, i'm getting an upper range breakup. I'm still working on the forward controls. I have all the bits, just need some dedicated welding time to get them made. So, progress, but im getting to the "fine tuning" stage, which for me just doesnt seem as much fun as the rough build part.

On the plus side, last weekend i went on a 500 mile weekend motorcycle trip (on my big bike). had a blast, and got to take a new Indian bike on a test ride. a good two wheeled weekend.