carb tuning question

Thanks for the hijack weekender. Heaven forbid 5twins getting busted for speeding. And a cop gun drawn on the grown mother fucker because he did not like bikers. That was a mouth full 5twins. KeithB forget what 5twins said in his last statement with your carbs set up as you have them now :thumbsup: be happy. Job well done Time to ride. Road test like you normally ride it and if it passes that test you will have many miles not playing with your carbs. I have put over 18000 miles on mine untouched other than pulling out the enritchner to start.
CV carbs suffer from a problem called "slide flutter"
Very interesting info!
I have a freeway right in front of my place so I can do full on throttle testing as well as noodle around the side streets.
carbs set up as you have them now be happy
I hear ya! Have been riding and it's verrrrry close so anything I am doing now is just for curiosity sake.
Maybe I just need to let it go.....;)
Have a feeling that I am going to be working on my carbs this spring as well and was wondering if it's possible to change the jets with the carbs still on the bike or do you need to take them off?
BS38 70 to 79 Main jets can be changed carbs in the bike.
There are other tools to get jets out but I found this set to very useful while working on an XS650. I am able to change main jets in less than 15 minutes gas off to gas on using this.

The BS34s can have jets swapped as well, carbs still mounted, you just need to drop the bowls. Be aware that you probably won't get the jets out of either while the carbs are still mounted if they've never been out before or if you installed them with the carbs off and used a big old screwdriver.

I use a knurled bit holder from Sears. It allows you to tighten the jets and float bowl screws tight enough but not too tight. That way they are easily removed next time. It also allows the use of perfectly fitting bits. I have J.I.S. Phillips tips for the screws and metric sized straight blade tips for the jets .....

