Do the rich realy believe them selves ????


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FNQ Australia
A bit of an oxy moron.

Bill Gates believes there will be almost no poor countries left by 2035, ( he will be 78 so may not be able to prove it for himself).

The richest 85 people own the same as the collective amount of wealth as the bottom 3.5 billion people.
1% of the population own 65x the amount of wealth that the bottom 3.5 Billion people have.

Extract from the Dominion Post.
"In the US, the wealthiest 1 per cent of the population grabbed 95 per cent of post-financial crisis growth between 2009 and 2012, while the bottom 90 per cent became poorer"

Just to keep things in perspective when i look at the 6 XS650's i have and know i am in the top end of gggGarys graph................ya poor suckers.......move over Bill gates
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What does it profit a man to gain the world but to lose his soul.
There will always be poor.
The only ones that are poor are those that are poor in spirit.

There's your paraphrased Sunday sermon........or Monday perhaps........

I don't have a lot but what I have is mine due to initiative and Providence. I could give a rats ass about the 10%.
Agree with nj1639, it doesn't seem profitable spiritually to be a greedy shitbag never having enough in your mind. And to end up a spiritual douchebag.
I have been working with the poor since 1964. They seem to be increasing in numbers. I think that Gates has his head up his a**.
Did Gates say no poor people or no poor countries?

Most of the working class in the US sold their stock and went into to bonds, said to be safer during the recession. The rich sold their bonds and bought all the stock at the bottom of the market. The working class sold low and bought high. The rich sold high and bought low. The DOW went from a low of about 7000 to a recent high of 16,500.

Tom, a mechanic with an unused degree in finance and economics. In all the school I had, not a single professor said, "Buy low and sell high!", the first premise of business. I was told by an old business man that was all the business school I needed to know. So ends 5 years of school.
What does it profit a man to gain the world but to lose his soul.
There will always be poor.
The only ones that are poor are those that are poor in spirit.

There's your paraphrased Sunday sermon........or Monday perhaps........

I don't have a lot but what I have is mine due to initiative and Providence. I could give a rats ass about the 10%.

I also believe the spirit is the guide to health and wealth, (not material wealth).

Although nothing i can do will change the way the system is going. Having children and grandchildren, i do have misgivings on the world and the shape it will be in in their life time. Environmentally and financially. We let the multinationals con us with their lies, and their short term profit is destroying the life blood of the earth.

Better stop before i get right into it.

Suffice to say.............. To turn a blind eye is to support the status quo

An interesting article i read recently was about how, (this is in the US), the financial institutions that caused the economic collapse, then were bailed out with Govt money were buying up all the foreclosed mortgaged houses in turn stimulating a growth in the economy.

Another bubble ready to burst because with the rise in house prices the lenders will palm of the houses at a profit and the bubble will burst again and this will lead to a worse crises than before.

An ever expanding economy:banghead::banghead::banghead:
This goes back to the "our current financial crisis" that was on the old 650 forum.....or whatever that thread title was.
Yeah, government dictates making loans to the unqualified, demand increases the cost of housing, new homeowners default because they're unqualified, banks hold shit mortgages that are losing value and then the original culprit bails them out. Nutz, ain't it ? It was said that once the doors to the federal coffers were opened to the public that we would never get them closed. Power corrupts and absolute power....well, you know.

To blind eye here. Change is slow.....just trying to live simply, think globally and act locally.

Bugs Bunny quote....."Eh, why take life so seriously? Nobody gets out of it alive."
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If you do your research, you will find that sub prime mortgages were not the problem everyone has been led to believe. People of money were letting the banks take their overpriced properties back, getting out from under the mortgages, and buying back into newly devalued properties. The crises was caused by those who did not need to go into default.
The death throws of the roman empire were surely felt throughout the lands...a slow rumble , into a violent collapse...they overstepped and it came crashing down around them...don't fret my southerly bretheren...we got plenty of room up here in canada, when the start throw y'all in jail for no particular reason with crazy madatory minimum sentences...a prison state..a police state...a disturbing trend in mass guys are welcome to stay but you'll probably asked to register your weapons ( the horror) if you wanna stay that its. I actually amazed there arent people rioting and trying to burn down wallstreet..banksters hanging from the street lights...they set everyone up...fashioned an economic bubble ( morgages and other predatory lending) inflating it knowing it was gonna bust...let the corporate media hype it up and inflate the bubble some more ( with fear mongering). Sell sell sell...we got duped ....they got amputate when body parts get too far infected or diseased...( hint hint)...burn it to the ground folks ....corporations own everything (including your government ,mine a probably alot of other countries) and only act in the interest of profit...we're all peasants and fools ...( depressing aint it)
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It wasnt a crisis......

It was a strategy......

I currently make less than the average american made in 1995.........per government statistics.....

I Work for the government.

Additional comment: I have no problem with rich people. But if you have a severe disconnect with reality and the actual state of the world economy as a are a enough to make money but not mature enough to understand how it affects people,...because you arent affected.

Pick between your prescription, you rent, or food.

You can only pick one......

I deal with it EVERYDAY where I work.
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If you do your research,,,,,
People of money were letting the banks take their overpriced properties back, getting out from under the mortgages, and buying back into newly devalued properties.

And how did they get around this?

It wasnt a crisis......

It was a strategy......To what end?

I currently make less than the average american made in 1995.........per government statistics.....Me to.

I Work for the government.

Additional comment: I have no problem with rich people. But if you have a severe disconnect with reality and the actual state of the world economy as a are a enough to make money but not mature enough to understand how it affects people,...because you arent affected. Well there is a difference between education and intelligence. Seems HR dept.s worry more about the former than the latter.

Pick between your prescription, you rent, or food. Not if you decide not to be duped by marketing. You don't really need most of what you buy.

You can only pick one......And it is going to just get worse

I deal with it EVERYDAY where I work.
Bill Gates is not rich. He's mega rich as in billions and billions. There is a distinct difference. At that level they share an unnatural number of traits with psychopaths. They believe they have the power to shape the world in their image and they do just that (just look at what George Soros does with his money). The rich are your small business owners, entrepreneurs, skilled individuals, etc. The people who keep this country running and who make Capitalism the finest form of economics that has ever graced this earth. The mega rich are the crony capitalists. Now lets make sure we all know the difference
Pretty sure Bill Gates has saved more lives and advanced more areas of humanity than anyone on this board.

Yes, he's Mega Rich. He also earned it, and does give away a whole bunch of it.

Now, the "born rich", on the other hand...
Do the rich suffer from a disconnect with the reality of the world? Sure they do, but not anything more than the disconnect experienced by a great number of the rest of the population. The whole idea of what is considered entitled in my country is staggering. We are not guarantied free retirement, unlimited free health care, government subsidized college education for our children, forgiveness for credit card debt I somehow loaded myself with, housing that is just like I see on TV, every single thing that is advertised on the 100" flat screen on the wall of my 1000 square foot home theater. A 350 Superduty double cab sitting next to the Viper that sits next to the boat, motorcycles, jet ski, motorhome.......... We enter this world with nothing. When did we decide that grabbing every-"thing" was what life was all about? I see the USA as one of the poorest countries on earth. And yet, we continue to drink the cool-ade. Don't get me wrong. This country allows us all the freedom to make choices in our lives, unlike many other places in this world. The choices we make here, are many times selfish and as a result, wasteful.
Okie just as a thought those same robber baron oil companies kinda keep your little 'ol town going don't they. And the higher paying jobs in this economy are in the oil patch?
As far as education costs and liability for borrowing money to pay for it that is a krewel aid of another brand. How many were sucked into borrowing for the promise of higher wages in a field only to find no work in that field after their "higher" education Seems my elders had a saying that might apply "counting your eggs before they are hatched".

Finger pointing and name blaming omitted to stay within the bounds of the "No political threads" rule.
I would much rather my taxes go to pay retirement, healthcare & education for eligible citizens, than to foreign aid for the likes of Pakistan, Egypt or Saudi Arabia. To pay for "tax breaks" for the likes of Exon, GE, Lockheed Martin, Walmart....the list goes on & on, is the ultimate insult.
The same people who created the "Job Creator" myth, are the ones responsible for stealing our taxes & making sure you pay more than they do. They would be nowhere without hardworking employees & people to pay for their products. They are the takers who write policy/ law and make sure it get's pa$$ed. You have little choice but to pay for their gas/oil, electricity, defense contracts & protect the interests of the same, with the lives of our young men & women abroad. They give YOU....2 choices at election time! (gee thanks). We have allowed it to happen, we drank the cool-aid & the game is rigged.
When HSBC, one of the largest banks, can openly lauder $850 million dollars of drug cartel money and only get a fine, then you know their "rights" as recently reinforced by the SCOTUS, are more important than mine. If you are a student, trying to pay off an educational loan, you cannot file bankruptcy. They will hound you until the day you die, garnish your meager wages or make sure "they" get your tax refund. You will be thrown in prison (thanks to minimum mandatory sentencing) for possessing marijuana, to feed the ever growing private prison industry. (Gotta keep 'em full!) Too bad you don't own a bank.
It's all wrong. I can remember my father telling me these same things 45 years ago.

Pheww! Now let's see, I need to order new sprockets & clutch pushrod seal..... :bike:
Couldn't have said it better myself . Same thing is happening in Canada right now .