Do we care about the enviroment !!! ????

Does anyone see a PR problem with "YOU all have to stay home and limit travel to solar charged electric bicycles" pronouncements while the aristocracy making these pious declarations fly to conferences, typically a small delegation traveling in a large jet to stay in multiple large motel suites and get chauffeured around in limos to huge meeting venues waited on by endless staff. All while being fed stupid amounts of food also jetted in from exotic locales?
When "they" limit themselves to the life style they are prescribing for the unwashed masses, conduct the meetings by zoom, I may be more inclined to listen.
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Factory farming is a bigger polluter than all forms of transportation combined.
I'm not surprised. How many acres of GMO corn do we have dedicated to ethanol production in the USA? How much does that contribute to our soil going down the Mississippi.
I do care and I vote with my wallet. To whatever extent possible, I buy my meat from a local farm that uses practices described here: To what extent possible we source our produce, eggs, and chicken from another local farm that ensures no GMO, pesticides, herbicides and is all organic. It's better for me. It's better for the planet. Until everybody goes this way, you just leave my motorcycles alone, and keep your stupid battery powered car until it's perfected and cheap.
Tesla, China November numbers were as follows: • China Deliveries: 31,732 • Exports: 21,127 • Total: 52,859
50,000+ cars a MONTH from one plant.
Monthly world wide auto production is about 6,700,000 so that one plant is about .8 of 1% of the total auto production.
Total worldwide electric car production (including plug in hybrids) was ten times that or about 8% of total cars built.
It's coming faster than you think.
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Now that it has got political posts that are liked, without any censorship.............

Donald Trump...........Only Republicans can get a president to deny there is a pandemic while it is killing 100,000's and telling people to drink bleach.

Lets see what posts get deleted
I'm not surprised. How many acres of GMO corn do we have dedicated to ethanol production in the USA? How much does that contribute to our soil going down the Mississippi.
I do care and I vote with my wallet. To whatever extent possible, I buy my meat from a local farm that uses practices described here: To what extent possible we source our produce, eggs, and chicken from another local farm that ensures no GMO, pesticides, herbicides and is all organic. It's better for me. It's better for the planet. Until everybody goes this way, you just leave my motorcycles alone, and keep your stupid battery powered car until it's perfected and cheap.
Most grain grown here goes to livestock production and no human food.. I'd bet the push for electric vehicles is actually coming from the auto industry that has figured out a way to be more profitable with EVs. Just me speculating but follow the money works MOST of the time.
Not at all have removed a lot of my posts because you decided they were against the forum rules due to the politics
Not at all have removed a lot of my posts because you decided they were against the forum rules due to the politics
Those posts were almost always provocations just like the one above. And were deleted ALONG with the posts YOU found so offense you had to provoke in an effort to GET them deleted.
Yeah I caught that.
Now that this thread has served it's purpose perhaps YOU should delete it?
Post #1

Edit.....Added this article to remind us, we have to rely on ourselves to navigate life, people and the media.

I'm not going to get into debates or arguments. ...............It is up to individuals what they want to believe, but i am going to post information that is factually based and pear reviewed. Where there is some speculation surrounding a hypothesis this will be mentioned a well although some speculation will be based on past historical accounts that would be relevant to existing situations..........

It has been mentioned, (by another member), we are in the midst of the 6th mass extinction so i thought i would start this thread to generate some conversation surrounding this topic. This also leads to our decisions that affect/cause this extinction and of course our disregard for the environment that has lead us to this point in time.

At times my posts may seem to be focusing on one area or one country. The intention is not to be polarizing, but to make an awareness of what is going on...........

From Plastic dumping in other countries to dumping tons of soil on the great barrier reef to new coal mines.

Last edited: Jun 16, 2020