Gurgling Engine?


XS650 Junkie
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta
Had the pipes pulled off the bike today and decided to fire up the engine and let it warm up and run some fresh fuel and fuel stabilizer into it. But with the exhaust off I heard a very noticeable gurgling noise out of the exhaust ports. Is that normal?
did it sound waterlike? Like gigantic drops of water hitting more water? If so that's what it sounds like with pipes off any bike
Hasn't been mentioned on here I guess. It's not a good idea to run an engine with no exhaust on it until it is hot. Exhaust valves operate VERY hot, fast uneven cooling can cause valve warping. Not a common issue on the XS650 but why take a chance? I'd describe a no exhaust sound as a liquidy popping sound, kinda like popping your finger out of your mouth.
OK fess up, how many guys have popped their finger out of their mouth a few times to see what it sounds like???
^What I did was look for that sound on youtube since there's no youtube of the actual sound he's got.
