Honing question.


XS650 Addict
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Hello again,
I am struggling to find a machine shop that has the tools to hone motorcycle cylinders. I’m going to go see another one today or tomorrow whenever I get the chance. If they don't have the tools I was going to see if I could just buy the tool and let them use it, or even try it myself and maybe find a 3” pipe or something to practice on. Would this hone tool I found on amazon get the job done? I believe it looks like one comparable to one 5twins suggested in an old thread I searched up.

Here is the link

I believe I would choose a 3” hole diameter and 180 grit?

Look for a automotive machine shop. They should have what's needed. Or check with a few bike shops and see if they do their own cylinders. If not ask where they send them to.
Yes, that's the exact same one I have, the Brush Research Flex Hone in the 3" size and 180 grit. These are much better than the 3 or 4 stone type because they are less likely to remove excess material and enlarge the bore. I suppose they could if you ran the thing for like 5 minutes or something, but you're only supposed to run them for about 20 to 45 seconds. Instructions for use are on the package but basically, you run it slow (600 to 1000 RPMs) and pump it in and out quickly. You never let it sit in one spot. Many motorcycle shops have these and will hone cylinders for you but I watched them do it for me once and thought geeze, I can do that. This was years ago and it didn't cost much back then to have a cylinder honed, maybe $5. I'm sure it's about double that now. So, use the tool a couple times and it will pay for itself.
Thanks guys, if the shop doesn’t work out I’ll go ahead and get the one I found.