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XS650 Addict
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Richmond Va
At first I was like ah werd cool, then I was like wtf .. makes me wanna do a coyote vs road runner rope across the street to these dumb asses
Fuck these friggin' idiots. I spent a lot of time working on OHV trail advocacy issues across the Southeast and these type of assholes, along with the whole 'loud pipes save lives' Harley gang, made such a negative impression on local land managers that it was nearly impossible to get access for legitimate recreational use. I finally quit with it in absolute disgust.
If you watch it you are lending your approval. Then again they are playing where they live.... and don't we all?
:popcorn: 05:39 best part

See, now, that comment caused me to watch the whole thing, hoping one or more of those morons either A) Did a massive face plant or; 2) Got busted and hauled off in cuffs, or even better; III) all of the above.

Assholes like that give us all a bad name.
Don't mind a little obnoxiousness or, even, a bit of nuisance...I'm guilty myself...hell, I'm guilty myself...but overly intentional obnoxious belligerence (without good reason)--boring.
:bs: Poverty, there are no girls on the internet. Only hairy fat men pretending to be girls

LOL Plenty of women @ live jasmine thats on the internets .. BOOM theroy crushed .. (nekked dancing time ):laughing:

bet next youll pull a tits of gtfo .. then if i post tits youll want a time stamp
I assume it's Baltimore.

I mean... I get it, but I'm against it. It goes beyond just having fun. It's does way more harm than good. It's reckless and rude.

Hooligans are everywhere... Get too many people with bad ideas, they start to seem like good ideas.

That being said, some of those guys have an amazing amount of talent... it's just the wrong place.