It Happened About 25 Years Ago

Roger, The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence... 'till you break down the gate holding you back. If I could count the mechanics I've known that wanted to be drivers or the drivers who wanted to be mechanics or those who switched back and forth every few years... Well, I'd be counting for a long time.

It's also been my experience that when you do the real math, local or long haul, the money never looks that good compared to the ACTUAL hours worked unless you're one of the very few who punch a time clock..

If you think about it it's really sad that we trust the lives of all our friends and families to men and women who are often driving the biggest, heaviest and most dangerous vehicles on America's highways for what may amount to less than minimum wage.

But we're getting very close to politics and since politics aren't allowed here I will steer my rig away from that ditch and back towards the center of the road.

Who likes brass?

Yeah, but how many truck drivers and mechanics ever get to be a photographer for Playboy? I'm yet another one who didn't! :banghead:

Yeah, but how many truck drivers and mechanics ever get to be a photographer for Playboy? I'm yet another one who didn't! :banghead:


I'm also a poet, writer and song writer but I'll never be a Shel Silverstein who also worked for Playboy.

As a matter of fact, in this day and age, no artist, no matter how great, could ever do what Silverstein did. If you tried to do what he did today the liberals would hate you for working for Playboy and degrading women and the Conservatives would hate you for promoting the counter culture, sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. Can you imagine a modern day children's poet with his own set of keys to Hugh Heffner's estates? Silverstein had them and he sold more children's books worldwide than the Cat In The Hat dude. 18 languages! If an American artist tried that today one side or the other would drum him right out of the country.

Is it political when you're ranting against both sides? It's not just politics, it's really just the world we live in today. I promise, I'll stop now.