Mounting license plate holder


XS650 Addict
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Georgia, USA
I just received the license plate holder from TCBros that mounts to the rear axle. I am trying to mount it on the left side (chain side) but I am slightly confused. On this side the rear axle has a cap on it. The cap has a hole going all the way through it. How do I remove this?

On the other side of the axle there is a bolt+cotter pin setup. Is it easier to put it there?

Thanks for the response.

Can someone confirm this is my only option? I am reluctant to go through all that work without trying an easier avenue.

If You very carefully jack up the back of the bike, and keep it vertical, take off the nut and cotter pin, then very CAREFULLY tap out the axle, flip it, and reinsert it, installing the plate holder. If You hold Your mouth just right, the spacer wont even fall out......maybe!
have i been putting my axle on wrong? ive been putting it through the right side and the nut is on the chain side. i doubt that there is much of a difference....right?
No I always put my axle in on the right and the nut on the left. The stock bike is nut on the left isn't it? Not that it matters mine are from stock and both have plate holders on the left.
yeah i think that is how it was stock. at least that is why i put it in like that. shoot, ive had that rear tire off so many times, i feel like i should be on a xs650 pit crew.
I hear ya, It took me longer to tell the dude to flip the axle around then it does for me to do the job. You definitely get better at it after a few dozen times haha