mounting solo seat without frame mod


XS650 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Hi all
1978 xs650 special. looking for the best way to mount a solo seat. I dont have a drop seat mod and have not hard tailed it.Bought 2" springs. Anyone let me know best way to mount?
What kinda solo seat? Tried putting a Lycett pattern solo seat on my BSA.
Didn't work worth a damn. Effin' top frame tubes get in the way. Ended up taller than the stock seat. Took it off again.
Hmmm once you get the seat off, you will see tabs and mounts and ugly stuff all over the stock seat rails. Moreover, an off the shelf solo seat usually looks small and weird compared to the large rails. Im yet to see a solo seat on the stock frame that doesn't just look like someone stuck it on if you know what i mean. Also a sprung seat on a bike with springs could feel pretty mushy.

But having said that, its all just opinion so do as you please. Each to their own!
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