My million dollar Beagle


XS650 Enthusiast
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Phoenix, AZ
I was supposed to be going to California on 12/26 but my dog was acting weird, and right as I was bringing her to the car that morning to drop her off at the kennel she started puking. OK, guess we aren't going. Brought her to the vet and they ran a bunch of tests, re-hydrated her, and gave us a few prescriptions. Her liver enzymes are high, and her T-cells and platelets are low indicating an infection in her liver. Total bill that day $200. The next day we had to bring her back for a bile acid test to see if there is something wrong with her liver. We should get the results today or tomorrow. Total bill for that day $100. The next day she was really lethargic, unresponsive, no appetite, etc. Called the vet they said to come back and pickup another prescription and special food. Total bill $100. Today she won't eat, and is lethargic so we might be going back to the vet this afternoon. :banghead:

This is nothing new, a few months ago she got bitten by another dog and had to get 4 stitches. Before that she accidentally ripped out one of her dew claws on the day we were moving etc...

Damn! expensive pet.. Cute though... Sucks that vets always charge you $80 just to bring a pet through the door, even if it only takes a couple of minutes for whatever you're there for.
- but u luv er, thats what counts

- took mine down the river for a run on monday...he pushed a 17 yo poodle into the river, the owner leapt in after it -poodle drowned and the lifeguards, fire brigade, and river police had to come and rescue both the owner and the body...we didnt hang around for the bill
Holy shit!! That's a pretty crazy story! That old poodle probably didn't have too many years left anyway. :wink2:

I bet that water was damn cold! :yikes:
took her back today because she wasn't getting better. More bloodwork, X-rays, meds, etc. Her liver is fine, but her spleen is enlarged. Could be a hematoma, could be a tumor. Either way they are probably gonna have to remove her spleen. Another $275 today, and the ultra sound tomorrow will be $350. Who knows what the surgery is gonna cost. She's damn lucky we love her...
I thought dogs were cheaper than kids ?

Here's our blog if you wanna read the unabridged version:
Heehee---pets *are* cheaper than kids! Having had pets all my life, and raised four kids, I know---and something else: doctors hardly ever give you the option of just putting the kid down, y'know? Too bad, that. I can envision a world completely free of hip-hop if doctors would just let parents put down incurable kids.....

(Yes, I'm joking.) (Mostly.) :wink2:

That's awesome Barb :laugh:

Some good news, the ultra sound showed nothing wrong in her abdomen, and they finally figured out she has Tick Fever, so all she needs is a round of a different antibiotic. She's getting better every day.
That *is* good news! (And having spent $500.00 on a kitty last summer, I really do understand that there isn't a choice.) And while we are on the subject, how about a plug for rescuing shelter animals? Save a life and get a companion who won't ever tell you, "You spend too much time and money on bikes. I want out."

Dogs don't do that.

Cats don't do that.

Yep--they're worth the money! :)
Yep, they sure are. All they want is to be near you,and, of course, to be fed.Someone gave me a kitten 4 year's ago, & he's got 8 claw's on each front paw. He turned out to be a really FAT Cat! And I mean FAT. Garfield got nuthin' over Boo Boo. If I knew he was gonna get so big, I'd have named him Garfield.
The reason for tellin' y'all this is he was abandoned at a Dairy Queen,and he is just sooooo fat, gotta love 'em, though. I'll post a pic when the camera come's back home.
And he's only been to the vet twice, once for the vaccine's & then for the neutering/ final vaccine's.
I sleep on a queen size bed, & when he get's up, he's gotta have the whole thing, don't care if I got room or not. BTW, he weigh's in at 42 lbs.
42lbs! :yikes: no way.. must see pics. That's huuuuge!! That's damn near record breaking..
We have 3 dogs. Each one was rescued from a dismal future. First is Chico (AKA Cheakers) a puppy gift to a woman who didn't apreaciate him and was going to be shown the door and "he ran out the door'!! He's now one spoiled Chihuahua and my buddy. 2nd is Mitzi. Pure bred mut and the sweetest dog on earth. Picked up by my wife on her way to work during a rainstorm. She was leaping fron one puddle to another chasing cars. She just weighs maybe 8lbs, maybe. Remember the velvet painting with dogs that had big sad eyes? Thats her. #3. Diego. Twice on death row at the pound and was rescued both times, just in time. 2nd time by the local Pug rescue folks. We got him from the foster folks he was staying with. He's still getting used to us and we with him. He's spoiled too or learning he is. They all have their moments with each other and us but it's all good and we are all spoiled. I wouldn't have it any other way. My message, rescue a pet and they will give you endless love in return.
This is my little buddy, hasn't been to or needed a vet in 5 years. =]] lucky me.


My girlfriend's pound dog is quite expensive. It's this stinky, and painfully cute american cocker spaniel. They all have sensitive ears and skin, which can be $$$ to take care off.

WE NEED PICTURES OF THAT FAT CAT GORDON. Who doesn't love fat cats?

^^ Yep, WTF Gordon! where are the pic's of this BFC?

Joe, Lucy's all better now right?