Painting Section

Space is a good starting point. Space has always been my problem, So I do some painting outside when the weather is right, not the best situation. How BIG do you want to paint?
If you're painting something the size of a fuel tank and spraying 360 degrees around it, 3 foot clearance around it would still be tight. If you spray enamel, the overspray can pepper everything in and outside of your garage.

If you're painting something the size of a fuel tank and spraying 360 degrees around it, 3 foot clearance around it would still be tight. If you spray enamel, the overspray can pepper everything in and outside of your garage.

The largest would be a fuel tank.
I will go with rattle cans... If that doesn't work I will talk it up with friends, a few beers or a handle of rum gets good results...
I have a small workshop, so to paint, I clear the area next to the door and string up a tarpaulin curtain around it, place a tarp on the floor and turn on the fan. Painting isn't something you do everyday, so having a dedicated area for painting is just a waste of space in most cases. I prefer painting outside as I like the look of multicoloured grass, but I don't have that option anymore.
Make a "Paint Booth" from a roll of heavy clear plastic stapled to the garage rafters with 2x4's stapled to the bottom of the "walls" to hold them down. Then use a 20" box fan to suck the overspray out. Wet the floor a little and pray and spray.