pamco wiring / timing

Michael xs650

XS650 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Woodland Hills, CA
Hey guys. I know you this topic has been beaten to the ground but I must be a little slower then I thought.
Just purchased the pamco kit (Part #14-0911) for a 1975 xs650 kickstart only. I know the wiring has to be dead on before starting the bike so I wanted to make sure I did things right the first time. Here is a picture of my wiring situation now...

1) I think I'm more of a visual guy. Where do the Green, Red and Black wires connect to?

And just a few more questions:

2) Do you have to mount the ignition coil to the bike to ground it ? I have mine sitting in a dummy oil tank.

3) How do you know where to set the pamco when you first install it (in terms of timing) ?
I can't answer all of your questions, but I have some friendly advice. Do not put the coil in the dummy oil tank, it will overheat. Same thing with your reg/rec, it gets very hot, and has to be some place where air will flow on it.
This tells where the Pamco wires go, there is a diagram too, it also tells how to set the initial timing.
If I remember correctly from the instructions:

1 fused/keyed positive to the Pamco Red and connect both combined to one of the coil prongs.
1 Green from the Pamco to the other coil prong.
1 Black from the Pamco to ground.
