Passenger pegs with this setup?!


'77 XS650
Reaction score
Northern VA
I have a '77, have the passenger footrests but no triangular brackets. Not that it matters, though, because from what I gather, the peashooters make using the (long gone) brackets impossible. My question is, to you great minds, is there anyway I can mount the pegs (these, from mikes: straight onto where you see the muffler is mounted in the pic? I can fit the peg on, but then I can't find a nut that will fit to secure it with.

I got some brass pipe fittings on there that could work in a pinch, but the damn bike vibrates so much i'm afraid my two-up will either break a tooth or the makeshift peg will come rolling off at some inopportune moment. Thoughts? Or should I just ride alone forever??? (not a bad idea, actually.)

If I remember my 77's set up correctly, mine WERE mounted right to that...however I am likely wrong
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Look at Mikes pegs. On the inside just above the bolt hole there is an orienting tab.
With the original adaptor plate that tab sits on a flat of the plate to keep it from turning. You could grind a flat on your strap to do this imo. Remember this is from memory and I'M NOT looking at the actual parts so.........beware.
Or you could search for 5twins picture of the way he set up his with the original plate and strap to the aftermarket pipes. It has a 4 point anchor instead of a two point like yours is.
I would shop around for some used stock pipe hanger brackets. They incorporate the peg mount right on them. You should be able to get a set cheap from one of the guys hard tailing theirs. They won't be using that part any more .....


You'll only catch the forward hole in the hanger on the track but you should be using the drilled and tapped length of bar stock that slides into the track. Mikes sells one but they're simple to make. I can guarantee you that your muffler isn't going the hang there long on just one bolt head in the sliding track. You can slide the bar out to catch the second hole on the hanger bracket. Mine barely missed it but I'm much better off with the clamping force that length of bar stock is applying to a greater section of the sliding track .....


Another option would be the chrome muffler hanger bracket used on the Specials. It doesn't have the peg mount but would extend forward more for you and maybe catch both holes into the track. This is my buddy's with aftermarket headpipes. They place his sliding track farther back but we got a nice solid mount using the provided chrome strap and the tapped bar stock .....
