Rootbeer and Brass


Looking at the FB pictures and man you put in a lot of work on that bike.

How did you make the taillight? Is it a fence post?
You sir, have talent. Nice work. Thank your friend for his service from this ol' Air Force guy, OK?
Some of us don't/won't have a Facebook account. So, yes I miss out because of that, but it doesn't hurt to actually post a few pics. I'm not real inclined to visit Flikr and Photobucket type sites, either, unless some good pictures have already been posted. To me, the point of this place and others like it is to share, and that includes pictures. Nothing wrong with supplementing with FB etc but I would encourage folks to post at least some of their photos in their threads.

This is not really directed to chopper mrns in particular, but just a general rant since it has been more common lately.

I really like the bike. :D

The main reason I posted the FB link is because I have the build pics posted and discriptions for them all. But I understand what you're saying..
Ill try to post more pics soon!