Rubber In The Fins


Part Time Tyrannicide Supporter
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Greensboro, North Carolina
I read somewhere that XS650s came from the factory with rubber blocks wedged in-between the cooling fins to control harmonics and reduce top end noise but none of my XSs have these rubber blocks. Anyone know anything about this or where the blocks might be found?
I thought that was just a two stroke trick ???? tim
My 1976 XS500C had rubber pieces in between the fins. I had almost forgot about the rubber pieces until you mentioned it. I bought it new and that's how it came from the factory.

I've never seen an XS650 with the rubber in the fins.
I had an engine here a while back that had some old grimy yellow looking crap in the fins... Might have been 40 year old rubber :)
The early ones have the rubber bumpers not sure when they quit putting them in.

bumpers 001.jpg

My 70 has them, my 73 doesn't (now anyways)
hah, i got mine from the original owner and it had little black pieces of rubber between every fin. i was like WTF? and i popped them all out with a screw driver. they were like hard black pencil erasers. i think my dog ate a couple of them.
My buddy's '81 XJ650 has the rubber bumpers between the fins, but my '81 XS650 does not. It seems like Yamaha was only using them on some bikes.