Runs like crap until 4000rpm?

Yes, that would cause major timing issues and probably lead to holed pistons. Bail now dude before it's too late. You've got a major project on your hands here and from what I've seen so far in your posts, you know absolutely nothing about bikes. Keep "fixing" this one and she's gonna blow (up) .....
Granted I don't have a vast knowledge about bikes and this is my first endeavor in twin cyclinders but I've rebuilt my dirt bike engines, completely self taught. Learn as you go, gotta start somewhere. Now what is so wrong that I should run scared? Just get a new plate and replace it I assume?
I've never delt much with electrical issues either. Not much of that on mx bikes. I'm learning though. Know a lot more now than I did before I started.
Yes, that would cause major timing issues and probably lead to holed pistons. Bail now dude before it's too late. You've got a major project on your hands here and from what I've seen so far in your posts, you know absolutely nothing about bikes. Keep "fixing" this one and she's gonna blow (up) .....
Some of us weren't born with inherent knowledge. He just has his terms mixed up. you need bigger pilots, , and main jet if your going to run straights. the needle jet is the brass tube that the needle slides in and out of. but first, you need a advance backing plate, found at Beware though, some guys here have had them explode. try to find a original good one off ebay.
I'm worried about the whole top end exploding, lol. You don't run a bike that runs like crap and won't run clean until 4K. You don't run a bike when you have no idea if the timing is correct or any way to verify it is. Like I said, bail. Stick with the dirt bikes, this one will cost you 4 or 500 when you do the top end in. If you don't mind that then fine, keep running it. In fact, give it what's called an "Italian Tune-up" - take it out and run it at red line for a few hours, lol.
No, shouldn't be, but you really need to get lots of things sorted out here before you do run it for extended periods of time.
Oh yeah, I had no intentions of actually riding it until I get everything sorted out. Honestly I just let myself get a bit anxious as I knew I shouldn't have probably even ridden what I had.