Speaking of second childhoods...

Fred, getting caught poaching blueberries can get you seriously thumped and I'm pretty sure a few people have even gotten dead that way. Them ol' boys out in the barrens got NO sense of humor.
Fred, getting caught poaching blueberries can get you seriously thumped and I'm pretty sure a few people have even gotten dead that way. Them ol' boys out in the barrens got NO sense of humor.

Hi Downeaster,
you mean that they ain't wild blueberries free for the picking like I used to do on Crown land in Manitoba?
If those ol' boys in the barrens are growing the berries as a cash crop they are most likely growing the big fat domestic variety that hardly taste
of anything so you might as well buy 'em from the store.
Mind you, I preferred to pick wild Saskatoon berries because they grow at waist height so you don't have to crawl on hands and knees to get them.
Happy memories of picking a pail full of Saskatoons, buying a tub of ice cream and eating a fair portion of both on the drive home.
Nope, Fred, these are wild varieties. The barrens are managed via weed control, burning and removing impediments to mechanical harvesting but the berries themselves are native wild berries. It is the major source of income for most of Washington county and probably the biggest industry in the state after lobster fishing.