squeaky toy noise


XS650 Junkie
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ok ya'll i have this squeaky toy noise i have been trying to get rid of. im sure its coming from one of the carbs put on new carb holders new kits still cant find the prob.
it goes away if i pull the choke. maybe bad o-ring on the idle jet scew?
Waco; .........I occasionally get that same squeaky noise (bird chirp). I also replaced the throttle shaft seals but the noise stills comes and goes at random. Its definitely an air leak around the carb/intake area. I've been searching for that little devil for about 2 years now, but its very hard to find :banghead:................let me know if you find the leakage.
All the above can cause the "bird chirping" noise. The solution for me was posted HERE, quite awhile ago, hope this helps
yeah buddie that is my next task after i put the bike back together. choke body. pull it and gasket sealer.
The 'chirpin' noise on mine turned out to be a leak around the vaccumn pipe (on the rubber inlet manifold), took me weeks to track it down as it seemed to be coming from the inlet valve area of the head!
I had a similar noise on mine and it turned out to be the advance rod that runs through the cam. Pulled it out, cleaned it up and put a super thin layer of grease. No more chirping.

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yeah buddie that is my next task after i put the bike back together. choke body. pull it and gasket sealer.

I've found it's this almost 95% of the time. Especially after a rebuild, and you've replaced the gasket. A gentle almost dry skim of yamabond will fix this right up. Also fixes excessive burbling in the pipes, weird deceleration dying, and fouling plugs for no apparent reason.