Starter Delete - Gear Removal Question

I've been kicking my cafe over for a few years now and don't mind it a bit. I've mastered a rolling kick if it stalls on me at low speed - I can kick it while still rolling. It does have a tendency to die all of a sudden every once in a while. Sudden death. I'm running a Boyer ignition and always thought maybe it was just a computer bug ;)

The new motor is a 750cc rephased ported head titanium valve Web 59a cam beastie. Not sure if it will be any harder to kick over.

I might actually leave the gears in place in any case, as I'm not really trying to shave ounces here. I can do that by skipping my next burger and fries. I ditched the starter on my cafe as I'm running a much smaller battery and all custom wired. Was just easier to not have it.

Once I finish the 750 motor, my current stock engine is going into a Voodoo Vintage frame. My other bike is an SR500 which is kick only, and my long-distance bike is a stock 1975 BMW R75/6 with no kick start option at all.

My current engine starts with 1 kick every time. I've never had to kick it over and over for 10 minutes. Crossing my fingers on this new motor.