Starts fine, warms up, shuts off, hard start, runs poorly


chopper haters beware!!
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Thanks in advance for your advise!!

Bike was running just about perfect, except for a minor grounding issue that was draining my battery, everything was great.

Today it started with no problems, by the time I put my helmet and jacket on it stalled. It was nearly impossible to restart, and then ran very very bad. I pulled the choke as it sounded like it might be a fuel shortage and it sounded better, but couldn't keep it running. An hour later, I tried again with the exact results.

I have a Boyer ignition, bs38 carbs.

I hope this isn't too vague, thanks for your help!!

Posted via Mobile
my bike was hard to start hot or cold..i reajusted the idle on the carb slide doors to 11/64" then i readjusted the mix screw to 3 turns from the bottm and last i replaced the spark far kicks over hot or cold...
Many say going thru all the wiring from front to rear, checking each and every connection for clean, tight, and a dab of dialectric grease to prevent corrosion is step one. I agree.
Doing this can prevent a multitude of troubles before they become troubles.
:agree:I was fortunate to have encountered the #9 guru Jayel late in life but early in my XS 650 experience. He made the above point that Leo does as well. It's one of TRG's and several others axioms as well. An awful lot of what seems to be everything from sabotage to gremlins is eliminated by simply doing this go thru....FIRST when you get that new to you old bike.

It seems to me that some get it and most don't. Sort of like getting a set of carbs (off the bike) and really going through them with (grizld1 &5twins) carb guide side by side till you recognize each part and what it does...then VOILA! the ahh...haa moment.

Sure is gratifying to eliminate the mystery and suspicion that your bike is possessed by evil spirits, while others seem exorcised. Blue