This happened today

another one
Oh no! I'm always paranoid about that happening. Glad you didn't have more damage than that. I tend to go a bit overboard with straps, I never know how guys feel comfortable when you see them hauling a nice new sportbike with nothing more than 2 of those cheap orange home depot tie downs.

I have a set of dedicated heavy duty ratchet straps and a set of cam straps just for the motorcycle. I replaced all of the hooks with those heavy duty metal carabineers from the hardware store. I run a set from the forks/bottom triple to the normal tie downs in the front of the truck bed, I run two in the back to the rear tie downs, and then a 3rd set from the frame to the tie down rails on the side of the bed. I feel like with that arrangement I could easily have 3 straps snap and still make it home ok. The truck bed is nice because if you put the bike at a slight angle you can shut the tailgate and know that even if the bike fell, it's not going anywhere.

I haven't used it in the truck yet, but I did also pick up one of those nice roll-in wheel chocks from cyclegear that'll hold the bike up all by itself, that'll make it even more sturdy next time.

It's a similar exercise every time I go pick something up from lowes. I never understand when you see people throw a whole load of wood, or other stuff in the back of their truck with nothing holding it, or you'll see them tie down a brand new grill or a couch with a little bit of twine. I've had most of my straps for years, and they all seem fine. I think you'd be much better off tying things down with 4-6 older used straps, than you are using just 2 nice new straps.