We had an oops, confirmation on fix?


XS650 Agronomist
Reaction score
Badlands ND
Well we had an oops at the shop tonight, I just got done degrease /soda blasting/ beautifying the engine. Looks great I might add! My mistake came with a question, she asked me to reach and change the shop light bulb and I said "sure just hope on the fork lift and move this back in" then came the Ooops... took about a 1 foot fall off the pallet on the lip of the shop. Bent the selector shaft to a nice angle... as I yelled "noooooo" like an idiot and came flying off the ladder like I was going to save it from tipping as if I was super man... (yea that obviously didn't happen).

In case the pic doesn't come through here is the direct link to the "damage" (http://imageshack.us/f/809/oopsh.jpg/)

Now Luckily I saw it all happen and it was an accident and she feels horrible so after i had the flash of "WTF!" in my mind, I realize I am not all that mad about it, it was an accident and she wasn't driving like an idiot so really it could have happened to me as much as her. I simply should have done it myself, so ultimately its on me.

Now with all that said I am pretty sure its an easy fix but I sure would feel a lot better if I had some confirmation for my bent pride and bent selector. The motor is off a 1980 XS650 SG3G1 to be exact. I believe the fix is to remove the E clip selector shaft side, then inside the clutch cover I need to disengage the selector claw, the shaft should come right out and just slip a new one in. Now am I correct on this or am I in for a much more challenging job with this "oops"? Also is the correct part the "shift shaft assembly" (Part #05-0031) on mikes or can I sneak by with something else?

Thanks ahead of time.
Well, being bent like that, its not gonna just "slide right out".... Remove the E-Clip. cut it off as short as you can with a cut off wheel, and remove the other side cover, you'll see how to remove the rest of it pretty easy... I don't even try to pull a bent one through, and even "straightening" them doesn't work out to well...

Very common problem on engines that have had the side cover off for a while and banged around...
Check the hole and wall for ovaling and cracks too. That much pressure to bend the shaft and all....