What a Beautiful day for.....


XS650 Enthusiast
Reaction score
Leader, Saskatchewan Canada
Well we finally have winter here!!! -35 C and then the wind puts it at -45C
so to all those that can ride today!!! Have a great time as i am more then a little jealus at this time of year.... All i can do is bundle up warm and dream of a long ride, wind in my face, bugs in my teeth.... then my teeth start to chatter and i remember to get my ass back in the house before i freeze!!!!
been there done that... now i work indoors and listen to those complain that they have to work out side... lol yes i am sure the last few days have not been very nice at all, but would say that it has been a very good run this winter....
It's been unseasonably warm here in Toronto this winter. 2nd snow fall of the season today. Not alot but just enough to screw up traffic. But still warm enough in the shed to get some work done this weekend. Nothing slows a Canadian down, except a few beers eh.
Yup -30C here in Calgary to-day................just a normal Canadian winter day. We've got a chinook blowing into town on Saturday, so all is well.

Good weather to do some bike work in my warm basement.
It was super warm here too til about lat week. Lucky this year, late winter, Late cold, minimal snow. I go to CUBA in 2 weeks anyways so it can get cold for all i care. haha
Somehow even with a HUGE heater in my garage I can find an excuse after work at nights not to go out to the garage and work on the bike. This cold weather and dark just sucks.