What do guys do for centerstand / exhaust bumper on non OEM exhaust?

I've been using the heater hose on my stand tang for over a dozen years. I've never had to replace it. It's the cheapest and simplest solution.
I've been using the heater hose on my stand tang for over a dozen years. I've never had to replace it. It's the cheapest and simplest solution.
I likely will do this until I have a chance to mock up something, or buy.
Is there a size / ID" of heater hose which is the magic fit?
27+" Commandos here.
Took a five inch length of scrap alu (catv tap hanger) mebbe inch wide, 3/16 or so thick. Bent in an 'L'. Drilled a couple holes, attached a spare seat bumper to the bottom and attached the bracket to the mufflers slide mount, next to the hanger.